Stuck in the Middle with You by Stealers Wheel

Gerry Rafferty, the creative force behind Stealers Wheel, penned the iconic track “Stuck in the Middle with You” as a commentary on his experiences in the intricate world of the music industry. Drawing inspiration from a particular event, Rafferty vividly recalled the band attending a signing event at an upscale London restaurant.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Stealers Wheel's Stuck in the Middle with You at

This event, in his eyes, eerily mirrored the biblical Last Supper scene, where all attendees seemed to hang on every word spoken by the record label’s chief executive, treating him almost as a messianic figure, reveling in his so-called wisdom. Through his song, Rafferty aimed to capture the surreal nature of such moments in the world of music business.

Stuck in the Middle with You by Stealers Wheel

Lyrics of “Stuck in the Middle with You”

The lyrics describe a sense of discomfort, confusion, and feeling out of place — a sentiment that Gerry Rafferty, one of the song’s writers, felt about the music industry.

In the song:

Verses: The protagonist expresses uncertainty and apprehension (“I don’t know why I came here tonight” and “I got the feeling that something ain’t right”). These lines likely reflect the discomfort and uneasiness Rafferty felt in certain industry situations.

Chorus: The iconic lines “Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right” suggest that the singer feels surrounded by insincere or untrustworthy individuals. Being “stuck in the middle” could indicate a feeling of entrapment or being caught in a situation that one doesn’t want to be in.

Post-Chorus: The lyrics about starting “out with nothing” and becoming a “self-made man” seem to comment on the allure of fame and success in the music industry. However, the subsequent lines about friends coming “crawling” and asking for favors (“Please”) reveal the more exploitative side of such success.

Overall Theme: The song can be interpreted as a satirical take on the cutthroat nature of the music business. Rafferty uses vivid imagery to capture the duality of the industry: on one hand, there’s the glamour and allure of success, and on the other, there’s the backstabbing, false friendships, and the pressure to conform.

To put it in context, Rafferty and his band Stealers Wheel were thrust into the music industry’s limelight, and this song was a reflection of the challenges and tribulations they faced.

When was this tune released?

Stealers Wheel released it on 1st October, 1972.

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