Category: Poppy

BLOODMONEY by Poppy Lyrics Meaning – Deciphering the Duality of Virtue and Vice

In a landscape of neon-lit electronic beats and dark introspective lyrics, Poppy’s ‘BLOODMONEY’ emerges as a serpentine track that delves deep into the chasm between public piety and personal iniquity. Lingering on the fringe of the pop and nu-metal genres, this single is an audio assault on hypocrisy, a scathing critique of the moral facade often upheld for the world’s gaze versus the personal truths lurking in the shadows.

Girls In Bikinis by Poppy Lyrics Meaning – Decoding the Dress-up Dance Anthem

Poppy’s ‘Girls in Bikinis’ might first come across as a frolicsome track dedicated to the celebration of fun summer attire, but beneath the surface lies a nuanced critique of objectification and prescribed roles. The song’s lively tempo and catchy hook belie an underlying message that flips the script on conventional expectations regarding femininity and empowerment.

I Disagree by Poppy Lyrics Meaning – A Fiery Manifesto of Defiance and Liberation

In an age of manufactured pop idols and cookie-cutter hits, Poppy’s ‘I Disagree’ emerges as a striking exception, roaring with a searing blend of heavy metal and eclectic pop. With its pulsating beats and a chorus that defiantly chants down systemic complacency, the track serves as a bold anthem for anyone who’s ever felt stifled by the status quo.


“Knockoff” by Poppy

Poppy is a singer who has lived throughout the United States, being born in Boston and spending part of her teenage years in both Nashville and Los Angeles. Her discography dates back to 2016, and...