Dla ciebie by Myslovitz Lyrics Meaning – Unraveling the Lyrical Tapestry of Love and Devotion

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Myslovitz's Dla ciebie at Lyrics.org.
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Dla Ciebie mógłbym zrobić wszystko
Co zechcesz powiedz tylko
Naprawdę na dużo mnie stać

Dla Ciebie mógłbym wszystko zmienić
Mógłbym nawet uwierzyć
Naprawdę na dużo mnie stać

Dla Ciebie zrywam polne kwiaty
Szukam tych najrzadszych
Naprawdę na dużo mnie stać

Najchętniej zamknąłbym Cię w klatce
Bo kocham na Ciebie patrzeć
Naprawdę na dużo mnie stać

To wszystko czego chcÄ™
To wszystko czego mi brak
To wszystko czego ja nigdy nie będę miał
To wszystko czego chcÄ™
To wszystko czego mi brak
To wszystko czego ja nigdy nie będę miał
Otwórz oczy zobacz sam
Przed nami mgła

Dla Ciebie mógłbym zrobić wszystko
Co zechcesz powiedz tylko
Naprawdę na dużo mnie stać

Przez Ciebie wpadłem w głęboką depresję
Już teraz nie wiem kim jestem
Bo naprawdę na dużo mnie stać

To wszystko czego chcÄ™
To wszystko czego mi brak
To wszystko czego ja nigdy nie będę miał
Otwórz oczy zobacz sam
Przed nami mgła
Zamykam oczy
Nie chcę widzieć nie chcę czuć
Czy to koniec już

To koniec już

Full Lyrics

In the pantheon of music that captures the essence of love and its arduous journey, Myslovitz’s ‘Dla Ciebie’ stands as a poignant testament. Through a haunting melody and penetrating lyrics, the song transcends language barriers and delves into the universal theme of near-boundless devotion. The Polish rock band, known for their poetic articulation and atmospheric soundscapes, invites listeners to explore a narrative where love becomes both a source of euphoria and despair.

The track’s deceptively straightforward composition masks a lyrical depth that is ripe for dissection. It’s a song that does not merely exist to be heard but to be felt, understood, and interpreted. With each verse, ‘Dla Ciebie’ peels back layers of emotional vulnerability, revealing a raw core of human passion, self-sacrifice, and the often obscured line between love’s beautiful intensity and its potential for darkness.

Endless Devotion or Chained Affection? – Unpacking the Paradoxes

At the heart of ‘Dla Ciebie’ lies a paradox of love so profound that it’s both enchanting and disturbing: the willingness to do anything for the object of one’s affection. The lyrics ‘Dla Ciebie mógÅ‚bym zrobić wszystko’ (‘For you, I could do everything’) set the tone for a love that seems absolute, a devotion without conditions. But is this unyielding sacrifice the ultimate romantic gesture, or is it a harbinger of an all-consuming love that risks consuming the self?

These words also manage to encapsulate the danger of losing oneself in the service of another, a theme that is often romanticized, but here, invites a deeper reflection. The song doesn’t shy away from showcasing the contrasting desire to contain this love, to almost cage it, reflecting a possessive quality that can stem from the fear of the loved one slipping away.

A Garden of Rare Blossoms – Symbolism in Lyrics

The act of picking the rarest flowers for the beloved, as described in the song, is not merely a display of affection but a powerful symbol for seeking out the unique, the extraordinary in love. ‘Dla Ciebie zrywam polne kwiaty, Szukam tych najrzadszych’ (‘For you, I pick wildflowers, I look for the rarest ones’) suggests an exploration for something beyond the ordinary, an effort to give beauty that matches the perceived value of the relationship.

This symbolism elevates the flowers to a metaphor for the rarities and singular experiences that one wishes to present to their partner. However, it also raises the question of sustainability – can such an intense quest for perfection endure, or is it destined to wilt like the flowers themselves?

Escaping the Cage of Desire – The Hidden Meaning Revealed

One of the song’s most haunting images is the longing to encase the beloved in a cage so they can be adored without end. This shocking confession, ‘NajchÄ™tniej zamknÄ…Å‚bym CiÄ™ w klatce’ (‘I would most like to lock you in a cage’), could be emblematic of the sometimes suffocating grasp of love. Exceptionally, this acts as a mirror, reflecting the dichotomy of human connection – the craving for closeness battling the necessity for freedom.

The ‘cage’ concept also touches on the idea of possessiveness and control that can infect even the purest love. As listeners, we’re confronted with love’s complexity and prompted to contemplate its darker shades, the shadows that exist behind the warmth of the light.

Euphoria to Abyss – Tracing the Descent in Emotion

The song’s shift from spirited declarations of love to an admission of falling into deep depression presents a stark emotional descent that is as captivating as it is heartrending. ‘Przez Ciebie wpadÅ‚em w gÅ‚Ä™bokÄ… depresjÄ™’ (‘Because of you, I’ve fallen into a deep depression’) ushers in the stark reality that love can be an affliction – potent enough to destabilize one’s identity.

It’s a stark reminder that love’s intensity is a double-edged sword that can uplift or sever. This dramatic change in tempo reflects the thin line that exists between love’s rapture and its capacity to foster a consuming gloom when the burden of unrequited or complicated affections becomes too heavy to bear.

Through the Mist – Echoes of Enduring Lines

Certain lyrics linger long after a song has ended, and ‘Dla Ciebie’ offers such lingering echoes. ‘Przed nami mgÅ‚a’ (‘There’s fog before us’) and ‘Nie chcÄ™ widzieć nie chcÄ™ czuć’ (‘I don’t want to see, I don’t want to feel’) resonate as visceral manifestations of the confusion and desire to escape when love becomes too painful.

These lines punctuate the somber reality that, at times, our deepest affection leads us into uncertainty and the desire to close off. They remind us that love’s journey is not only about the warmth of presence and intimacy but also about the chill of doubt and the potential for emotional eclipse.

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