Meaning of “Crystal Blue Persuasion” by Tommy James & the Shondells

“Crystal Blue Persuasion” by Tommy James & the Shondells, released in 1969, is known for its smooth, melodic sound and ethereal feel.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Tommy James & the Shondells's Crystal Blue Persuasion at

The meaning behind the song is often debated, but there are some general themes and interpretations:

Spiritual Awakening and Transformation: Tommy James himself has mentioned that the song was inspired by the Bible, specifically the Book of Revelation. “Crystal Blue Persuasion” can be interpreted as a call to a higher spiritual consciousness or a transformation to a state of grace. The repeated mention of a “new vibration” reinforces the idea of a spiritual shift or awakening.

Peace and Brotherhood: The late 1960s were marked by significant cultural and social changes, with many people advocating for peace, love, and understanding. Lyrics such as “It’s a new day, it’s a new plan” and “Everybody’s working for the promised land” capture the era’s collective hope for a better, more harmonious world.

Drug Culture Interpretations: Given the psychedelic era in which it was released, some listeners have interpreted “Crystal Blue Persuasion” as referencing the drug culture, particularly the use of clear, blue LSD tablets. However, Tommy James has denied this interpretation, emphasizing the song’s spiritual roots.

Crystal Blue Imagery: The imagery of something “crystal blue” can symbolize clarity, purity, and tranquility. In the context of the song, this imagery is repeatedly associated with positive change and a new understanding.

In conclusion

“Crystal Blue Persuasion” can be viewed as an anthem of hope, spiritual transformation, and the promise of a brighter future rooted in love and understanding. Its soothing melodies and optimistic lyrics made it a standout track during a time of significant cultural upheaval.

Interesting facts

Chart Success: Released in 1969, “Crystal Blue Persuasion” became one of Tommy James & the Shondells’ biggest hits. It reached #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and remained in the top spot for three weeks.

Television and Film: The song has been featured in various films and TV shows, notably in the series “Breaking Bad.” Its use in the show led to a resurgence in its popularity, introducing the classic track to a new generation.

Distinctive Sound: “Crystal Blue Persuasion” marked a departure from the group’s previous songs. Its mellow, almost ethereal sound, characterized by bongos, subtle guitar lines, and soft vocals, made it stand out from other contemporary tracks.

Production Technique: The song’s unique sound was achieved, in part, by using a combination of echo, phasing, and reverb, production techniques that were innovative at the time.

Enduring Popularity: “Crystal Blue Persuasion” has stood the test of time. Apart from its chart success and inclusion in pop culture media, it’s been covered by various artists over the years, cementing its place as a timeless track.

Release Date

On 1st July, 1969, “Crystal Blue Persuasion” was released. It was the sixth single off the band’s third album, “Crimson & Clover”.

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