My Blue Supreme by Interpol Lyrics Meaning – Navigating the Depths of Desire and Identity

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Interpol's My Blue Supreme at
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Fake out, you’ve already made a scene
Allow me a break now
To say it in the way you go about
It’s my time, it’s my time

When love comes, honey, take it
Only one in a hundred make it
You fake until there’s nothing to fake

Someone that I’m dying to be
Is cruising in my blue supreme

Babe, you’ve already captured me
And I fake out
To say it in the way you go about
It’s my time, my time

There’s someone that I’m dying to be
Cruising in my blue supreme
Someone that I’m dying to be
There’s someone that I’m dying to be
Cruising in my blue supreme

To say it in the way you go about
My time

When love comes, honey, show it
So many others blow it
This kind of shit don’t heal in a week

Cruising in my blue supreme
Cruising in my blue supreme
Someone that I’m dying to be
Well, nothing ever comes for free
I’m cruising in my blue supreme
Something that I’m trying to create
Just my shoes and some shake
Cruising in my blue supreme

Full Lyrics

Interpol’s ‘My Blue Supreme’ is an intricate tapestry, weaving melancholic threads of love, identity, and the perpetual pursuit of self that characterizes the human condition. This track, cloaked in the band’s signature moody ambience, invites listeners to dissect layers of poignant lyricism set against the backdrop of their dark, pulsing soundscape.

Diving beneath the surface of this enigmatic piece reveals a story of someone entangled in the throes of transformation and aspiration. Every line, every hauntingly delivered word, peels back the veneer of a person in the midst of profound personal change, with the titular ‘Blue Supreme’ emerging as both a literal and metaphorical vehicle in this journey.

A Love Affair with Transformation

One of the striking elements of ‘My Blue Supreme’ is its portrayal of change as a deeply romantic endeavor. The song personifies the transformative process, likening it to a volatile love affair. It is through this lens that we witness the internal struggles of our protagonist, navigating the delicate balance between maintaining one’s essence and the urge to evolve.

Ingredients of love, the headiness of aspiration, and the raw vulnerability of self-discovery fuse to form a potent emotional cocktail. The phrase ‘When love comes, honey, take it’ echoes the idea of embracing the opportunity for transformation fully, knowing very well the risks it entails.

The ‘Blue Supreme’: Vessel of Identity

The recurring motif of the ‘Blue Supreme’ can be seen as a symbol, representing more than just a car—it’s a representation of the self or an idealized identity the narrator is fervently chasing. In a sense, the ‘Blue Supreme’ is the embodiment of freedom, the open road that signifies the journey toward becoming someone ‘I’m dying to be’.

This narrative of chasing an elusive version of oneself paints a portrait of inner yearning, blurring the lines between yearning for another person and the desire for self-completion. ‘Cruising in my blue supreme’ could very well be the mantra of someone charting their course through life’s complex highway, seeking a destination of fulfillment and self-actualization.

Unpacking the Vulnerability Hidden in Plain Sight

Beneath the cool veneer of ‘My Blue Supreme’ lies a pulsating heart of vulnerability. The lines ‘You fake until there’s nothing to fake’ and ‘So many others blow it’ expose the fear that accompanies the act of striving for one’s ideal self.

These lyrics suggest an acknowledgment of the fragility within this quest, of the façade one might adopt while inching closer to the aspirational self. The song hints at the notion that in the pursuit of becoming who we wish to be, we may cross the line where our pretenses fall away, leaving us to confront the truth of our efforts.

Navigating Between Persistence and Acceptance

The journey towards a desired identity often entails a dance between persistence and acceptance. ‘My Blue Supreme’ captures this dichotomy, acknowledging both the relentless drive toward ambition while simultaneously hinting at the necessary reconciliation with one’s inherent limitations.

The admission ‘Well, nothing ever comes for free’ stands as a stark reminder that every mile gained in the ‘blue supreme’ comes at a cost. The protagonist understands that while the chase might be all-consuming, the road invariably exacts its toll, demanding dedication to the pursuit in exchange for progress.

Memorable Lines That Echo Long After Listening

Among the many memorable phrases threaded through ‘My Blue Supreme,’ the line ‘There’s someone that I’m dying to be’ resonates with a universal longing for transformation. This single, powerful statement encapsulates the essence of the entire song—a recognition of the gap between current reality and the potent potential of what one could become.

It’s the mantra of the tirelessly ambitious, of the dreamers and the hopeful, repeated thrice for emphasis, as a chant to keep the fires of aspiration burning. The words linger in the consciousness, an anthem for anyone who has ever felt the allure of a destiny not yet reached, a life not yet fully realized.

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