Meaning of Saint Bernard by Lincoln

“Saint Bernard” is a song by Lincoln, an artist who has garnered attention for his heartfelt and poignant lyrics. Here are some interesting facts about the song:

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Lincoln's Saint Bernard at

1. Viral TikTok Fame

“Saint Bernard” gained notable attention and popularity through the social media platform TikTok, where users utilized the song to create their own content, often showcasing emotional and nostalgic moments, pets, and personal stories.

2. Emotional and Relatable Lyrics

The lyrics of “Saint Bernard” are deeply emotional and have resonated with many listeners. The song talks about memories, loss, and looking back at different stages of life, which has struck a chord with a wide audience.

3. The Dog Connection

The song mentions a Saint Bernard dog, which has led to numerous TikTok videos featuring pets, particularly dogs, creating a connection for pet lovers and owners who relate the song to their own furry friends.

4. Authenticity in Music

Lincoln’s music, including “Saint Bernard,” is often praised for its authenticity and the genuine emotions conveyed through the lyrics and melodies. His storytelling approach in songwriting allows listeners to connect on a personal level.

5. Independent Artist Success

Lincoln has managed to carve out a space for himself in the music industry as an independent artist. “Saint Bernard” is a testament to how indie artists can achieve widespread recognition and success, especially leveraging social media platforms.

6. Acoustic and Intimate Feel

The song has an acoustic and somewhat intimate feel to it, which has become somewhat of a signature style for Lincoln. This simplicity and rawness in the musical arrangement allow the lyrics and emotions to stand out.

7. Fan Stories

Many fans have shared their own stories and experiences related to the song, creating a community where people share personal narratives of loss, love, and memories, further amplifying the emotional impact of “Saint Bernard.”

8. Music Video

The music video for “Saint Bernard” also mirrors the emotional and nostalgic tone of the song, featuring visuals that complement the lyrical themes, and further enhancing the listener’s experience.

9. Live Performances

Lincoln’s live performances of “Saint Bernard” have been praised for their emotive delivery, providing a space where both the artist and the audience can connect and share the emotional journey of the song.

10. Diverse Audience

The relatable themes of “Saint Bernard” have attracted a diverse audience, with people from various age groups and walks of life finding something in the song that speaks to them, showcasing the universal appeal of its narrative.

Saint Bernard Lyrics

This track is a real tearjerker for a lot of folks. It’s got this melancholy vibe and the lyrics just hit you right in the feels, you know?

So, the song talks about memories and looking back at life. The singer is reminiscing about different times and people in his life, especially focusing on a Saint Bernard dog. Now, this dog isn’t just a pet. It symbolizes memories, past experiences, and people who have been part of his journey. It’s like the dog is a reminder or a link to all these memories and emotions from different chapters of his life.

The singer talks about various people and moments, mentioning their names and some experiences they shared. It’s like he’s strolling down memory lane, remembering bits and pieces from his past. And it’s not all happy-go-lucky; there’s a sense of loss, a bit of regret, and a whole lot of nostalgia.

The chorus hits hard with the repetition of names and the phrase “run on.” It’s like he’s saying life goes on, people move forward, but these memories, they linger, they “run on” in his mind. It’s pretty deep and relatable because we all have those memories that stick with us, right?

And then there’s the whole vibe of the song – it’s soft, gentle, and kind of introspective, making you pause and think about your own life, your own memories, and the people and moments that have stuck with you through the years.

In a nutshell, “Saint Bernard” is like a melancholy reflection on life, memories, and the passage of time, all symbolized through this image of the Saint Bernard dog. It’s a track that makes you ponder, remember, and maybe even shed a tear or two for days gone by.

When was Saint Bernard released?

“Saint Bernard” by Lincoln was released on January 27th, 2017. It’s a track that quickly captured the hearts of many with its nostalgic and emotional vibe.

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