Tagged: Johnny Marr

Cemetry Gates

“Cemetry Gates” by The Smiths

“Cemetry Gates” is a song performed by The Smiths that focuses on Smiths’ singer Morrissey’s bizarre fascination with death. Lyrically, Morrissey sings about meeting someone (an acquaintance/friend/lover) at the gates of a cemetery and...

The Smiths

The Smiths’ “The Queen Is Dead” Lyrics Meaning

Questions surrounding the British monarchy’s legitimacy may never go away. It is an institution that began way back in the 10 century, an era in which no one would deny the world was quite...

"This Charming Man" by The Smiths

Meaning of “This Charming Man” by The Smiths

This Charming Man is a song by The Smiths – an indie rock band that hailed from England. Lyrically, the song sees the narrator talk about getting his bicycle tire punctured in a remote...

Meaning of Songs

Meaning of “Reel Around the Fountain” by The Smiths

Reel Around the Fountain is a Smiths‘ song which talks about the loss of innocence. Speaking with Rolling Stone magazine, Smiths’ singer Morrissey said of the meaning of the song as one that is...

“Still Ill” by The Smiths

Meaning of “Still Ill” by The Smiths

The lyrics of the Smiths’ “Still Ill” see the narrator (Morrissey) talk about England changing for the worse. He misses the old England before it was ruined. According to the narrator, things have become...

“Suffer Little Children” by The Smiths

Meaning of “Suffer Little Children” by The Smiths

Suffer Little Children is a song performed by The Smiths. The song is about the gruesome Moors murders which saw killers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady murder five children between 1963 and 1965. The...

“Hand in Glove” by The Smiths

“Hand in Glove” by The Smiths

“Hand in Glove” reads sorta like a touching love song, until you get to the end. For example, the titular metaphor, which the vocalist uses to describe his relationship with the addressee, is one pointing to...

Pretty Girls Make Graves by The Smiths

Pretty Girls Make Graves by The Smiths

Pretty Girls Make Graves is a song from the Smiths 1984 critically acclaimed debut album titled The Smiths. Pretty Girls Make Graves, as the name implies is a song warning men to stay away...

Meaning of Songs

Johnny Marr

Johnny Marr is a British singer-songwriter who is best known for being the guitarist of the highly influential English band the Smiths, whose famous songs include How Soon Is Now, There Is A Light...