The Chosen Legacy by Dimmu Borgir Lyrics Meaning – Unveiling the Creed of a Dark Anthem

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Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Hence I will anoint
And whisper wholeheartedly
The creed of Hades and beyond
As I succumb to inevitable sin

For I cannot enslave myself
With imaginary words of salvation
The hypocrisy that surrounds my temple
Is assisted by pretenders to the throne

The winds that blow purity
Signify my chosen legacy
I was born to opposition
A contender to creation

In Sorte Diaboli
In Sorte Diaboli
In Sorte Diaboli
In Sorte Diaboli

For my sins
I will ask no forgiveness
For my sins
They are not to forgive

So never speak of me quietly
Stand by my confession
I voice your rebellion
Against the traitor of the world

I am the first creature of this Kingdom
I will be the One
To out live His time
With the triumph of free will

Full Lyrics

In a searing blend of aggressive instrumentation and profound lyrical content, Dimmu Borgir’s ‘The Chosen Legacy’ serves as a high-octane anthem for those who find power in opposition. This is not merely a song, but a declaration of sovereignty over one’s own spiritual domain, echoing through the catacombs of extreme metal with resonating authority.

The track is a compelling examination of individualism and rebellion against perceived religious and societal constraints. Charged with intense metaphor and eloquent blasphemy, ‘The Chosen Legacy’ challenges listeners to confront the philosophical quandaries embedded within its fiery verses.

A Requiem for the Conformist: The Unapologetic Defiance

Dimmu Borgir crafts an aural landscape that immediately draws the mind into confrontation with normative values. ‘The Chosen Legacy’ is, in no uncertain terms, a requiem for the conformist. The song lays to rest the expectations of societal and religious alignment by donning the robes of the outlier. At its heart, it beats a rhythm of unapologetic defiance, calling into question the sustainability of spiritual beliefs imposed from without rather than cultivated from within.

The Norwegian black metal virtuosos sing not of ignoble surrender but of a proud descent into ‘inevitable sin,’ a term perhaps metaphorically representing the innate human tendency to deviate from rigid moral dogmas. Here, the sin is not a stain upon the soul, but a testament to the spirit’s indomitable will.

Salvation’s Folly: The Rejection of Spiritual Chains

Delving into the verses, one finds a disdain for ‘imaginary words of salvation.’ The songwriters articulate a lucid repudiation of the hypocritical sermons that often shroud religious institutions. In doing so, they emancipate themselves from the figurative chains that these doctrines may place upon the individual, poising their stance outside the realms of divine judgment.

Their sacred space is inviolate, cordoned off from the intrusions of those ‘pretenders to the throne’ who would seek to govern the soul with unearned authority. These ‘winds that blow purity’ are, after all, the gales of a self-chosen destiny, far removed from the penitential cries of the penitent.

Ancestor to Anarchy: The Legacy Enshrined in Rebellious Roots

The refrain ‘I was born to opposition, a contender to creation’ echoes as a bold manifesto, celebrating a lineage rooted in dissent. ‘The Chosen Legacy’ pays homage to a primordial strain of anarchy, a spiritual ancestorship that predicates existence on resistance rather than acceptance. This ancestral call links back to a feral essence, a nature untamed and sovereign.

It’s within these incendiary lines that Dimmu Borgir intersects with the intellectual tradition of challenging universal truths and global narratives, aligning not with the order of the cosmos but the chaos lurking beyond and within, encapsulated in the cryptic Latin phrase ‘In Sorte Diaboli,’ roughly translating to ‘In the fate of the devil.’

The Unforgiven Path: Embracing Sin as Sacrament

In a radical departure from conventional morality, there is no plea for absolution, no penance to be observed. Instead, ‘The Chosen Legacy’ revels in its deviations, celebrating them as rites of passage rather than transgressions. The sin becomes sacrament, a holy rite unto itself, in an inverse theology that holds individual choice and freedom as the highest altars.

The conviction resonates clearly; there is a sacredness to being unforgiven, for it reinforces the autonomy of personal choice—a bold declaration that ‘for my sins, they are not to forgive,’ turning the traditional notion of sin on its head and claiming authority over one’s moral compass.

Whispers of Reverence: The Power In Memoriam

Dimmu Borgir does not bid its audience to reflect in silence; rather, it incites vociferous unity in the face of condemnation. Their clarion call to ‘never speak of me quietly’ is a rallying cry for the audacious, the recusants who champion the song’s creed as a banner for their counter-march against conformity.

Epic and all-encompassing, the song encapsulates a closing argument—a final, potent dispensation: that ‘I am the first creature of this Kingdom, I will be the One to outlive His time’ transcends the realm of music into a realm of prophetic proclamation. ‘The triumph of free will’ becomes not just a memorable line, but a testament to the enduring spirit of independence that Dimmu Borgir enshrines in ‘The Chosen Legacy.’

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