What is that Do Do Dodododo Song?

Lately, there’s been this loop playing in my head, kind of like a broken record, going “Do Do Dodododo: What’s that Song” on repeat, and honestly? It’s been driving me up the wall! I found myself mumbling it while brushing my teeth and pondering, “What is that song?” So, off I went, down the internet rabbit hole, trying to put a name to that earworm.

Turns out, I wasn’t the only one being haunted by this melodic mystery – there’s a whole chorus of us out there humming the same tune! So, after a bit more tuning in, and with my detective hat firmly on, I’ve managed to pull together a few tunes that might just solve our musical conundrum. Let’s dive into this rhythmic puzzle together and see if we can finally put our minds (and ears) to rest!

that Do Do Dodododo Song

That Elusive Do Do Do Doooo Song

Ever found yourself humming “Do Do Do Da Do” and hitting up Google, trying to track down that earworm? Yeah, it’s a universal struggle. See, there are a zillion tunes out there rocking the “do”s — it’s kinda like the “John” of the music world.

But hey, a little context goes a long way in solving this melodic mystery! Knowing the vibe or the decade of the track can really narrow the hunt. Like, if someone’s humming “do do do doooo” and chatting about a classical vibe, you’re probably swimming in Chopin’s “Funeral March” territory. But if it’s 90s and techno they’re reminiscing about, that’s Darude’s “Sandstorm” territory, for sure!

So, buckle up, music detectives, let’s deep dive into these do’s and don’ts and see if we can figure out the elusive “Do Do Dodododo: What is this song?” together, shall we?

The Top Songs with the phrase “do dodo do do” in them

Embarking on a musical journey through the echoing chambers of the enchanting “Do Do Dodododo,” let’s delve into some noteworthy tunes that have embedded this whimsical phrase into their melodies.

“De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da” by The Police

First up is “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da” by The Police, a number that transcends its seemingly simple, catchy chorus to explore the intricacies and paradoxes of communication and language, wrapped in a delightfully sprightly pop package iconic to the 80s.

“Sandstorm” by Darude

On another spectrum, with a gust of energy, “Sandstorm” by Darude catapults us into a 90s techno frenzy, where the “Do Do Dodododo” transmutes into a synth-heavy, pulsating rhythm, becoming a globally recognized piece and often associated with high-energy, adrenaline-pumping moments.

“Marche Funebre (Funeral March) Piano Sonata No. 2 in B-flat Minor” by Frédéric Chopin

 On a solemn note, “Marche Funebre (Funeral March) Piano Sonata No. 2 in B-flat Minor” by Frédéric Chopin gently sweeps us into a melancholic embrace. Its prominent use in funeral scenes in various media has etched its mournful melody into collective consciousness, all while providing a stark contrast to its more upbeat “Do Do Dodododo” counterparts.

“The HampsterDance Song” by The Hampster Dance Masters

Lastly, weaving through the spirited and the somber, “The HampsterDance Song” by The Hampster Dance Masters bounces into the scene with an irresistibly cheeky melody that, though seemingly frivolous, became an internet phenomenon in the late 90s and early 2000s, illustrating how a simple series of “do’s” can transcend genres, moods, and mediums.

More Songs with the “Do dodo do do” phrase in them

Outside of the above, identifying a song just with a “do dodo do do” might be quite a challenge due to the generic nature of these syllables. But let me try to explore some possibilities across different eras and genres where such a pattern might be found

“Walk Like an Egyptian” by The Bangles – The chorus has a catchy “do do” part that people sometimes remember more than the actual lyrics.

“Do Wah Diddy Diddy” by Manfred Mann – Though it’s not exactly “do dodo do do,” it does have a repetitive and catchy “do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do” that might get stuck in one’s head.

“Jingle Bells” – The Christmas carol has a familiar “Dashing through the snow” melody, which is often hummed as “do dodo do do.”

“Wannabe” by Spice Girls – The song opens with “Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want,” followed by “so tell me what you want, what you really, really want,” which could be misremembered as “do do” due to the melody’s rhythm.

“Wipe Out” by The Surfaris – A classic with a prominent “do” pattern in the guitar riff, though not in the lyrics.

Again, there could be many more songs with similar patterns, so these are just a few examples!

About the Author

Kojo Enoch is a passionate music journalist and writer, immersing himself in tunes and melodies to bring readers into the world of music. His love for rhythmic expressions transcends genres, crafting articles that intertwine musical notes with words, providing a unique perspective to every reader.

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