05-green is the colour by Pink Floyd Lyrics Meaning – Unraveling the Tapestry of Emotion and Color

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Pink Floyd's 05-green is the colour at Lyrics.org.
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Heavy hung the canopy of blue
Shade my eyes and I can see you
White was the light
That shines through the dress that you wore

She lay in the shadow of a wave
Hazy were the visions overplayed
Sunshine in her eyes
But moonshine made her cry everytime

Green is the colour of her kind
Quickness of the eye
Deceives the mind
Envy is the bond between
The hopefull and the damned

Full Lyrics

In the pantheon of Pink Floyd’s musical odyssey, nestled within their ‘More’ soundtrack album, lies a delicately woven piece that often escapes the limelight. ‘Green is the Colour’ is a track that manifests the ethereal confluence of color and emotion, embedded within the band’s unique sound. While the song’s serene melody may lull listeners into a state of dream-like contemplation, its lyrics are a labyrinth of metaphor and introspection waiting to be navigated.

Crafted during the transitional period of Pink Floyd’s work, ‘Green Is the Colour’ is a lyrical ballet danced between the tangible and intangible realms. It invites a journey beneath its seemingly smooth surface, to the hidden depths where poetic expression and the somber notes of human experience coalesce. Each verse, infused with vivid imagery and profound subtext, becomes a key to unlock the greater narrative woven by the artistic minds behind this masterpiece.

A Dive into the Symbiotic World of Sight and Sentiment

The song’s opening lines, ‘Heavy hung the canopy of blue / Shade my eyes and I can see you,’ suggest a world where sensory experience and perception tangle with emotional presence. Under a ‘canopy of blue’—a phrase evocative of both nature’s grandeur and a state of melancholy—shading the eyes becomes an act of clearer vision, not of darkness. The act of seeing through metaphorical shades reflects the intricate dance between reality and the realms that lie just beyond its edges.

The use of color to signal feeling is a Pink Floyd trademark, and here, the ‘white’ of innocence and purity shines through the ‘dress’ of appearances, suggesting a truth underlying façades. Within the folds of this lyrical verse lies a tale of revelation, where what is shrouded can be unveiled by altering one’s focus; where the external world serves as a canvas for the emotional hues painted by internal states.

Unraveling the Enigma of ‘Her’ Amidst the Shadows

As the narrative flows into ‘She lay in the shadow of a wave / Hazy were the visions overplayed,’ a cryptic female presence emerges as the central muse. The ‘shadow of a wave’ provides an imagery of transient shelter and the ephemeral nature of comfort. This female figure becomes an embodiment of lost dreams or a phantom of love’s past, existing in the wash of memories that are as brilliant as they are unclear.

Such a presence is bathed in duality, basking in ‘sunshine’ yet succumbing to ‘moonshine’ tears. This paints her as a celestial being caught in the cycle of day and night, happiness and sorrow. In just a few strokes, the lyrics evoke the human propensity to capture beauty only to have it marred by the inevitability of heartache—a theme that resonates with the delicate balance sought by Pink Floyd in their auditory explorations.

Deciphering The Lyrical Brushstrokes of Color and Kind

The titular line, ‘Green is the colour of her kind,’ deserves a palette of its own. Within this simple declaration lies a verdant array of interpretations. Green, the hue of life and new beginnings, could simultaneously characterize envy and illness. It is the naturalistic essence of rebirth and the tarnish of corrosion. The enigma of ‘her kind’ raises the question—does it refer to a group she belongs to, or a signature trait?

In this light, ‘quickness of the eye’ can introduce the theme of illusion and deceptions, where instant judgments can lead to miscomprehension. ‘Deceives the mind’—this phrase alone represents the concept of reality twisted by perception, an echo of the psychosomatic bond we share with the world we perceive. The essence of the song hints at a universal truth, our cognitive fallibility in the face of ever-shifting truths.

From Envy to Bondage: The Ties that Bind

As the song spirals towards a close, the line ‘Envy is the bond between / The hopeful and the damned’ carves a chasm between two states of being. In a twist of irony, envy, often viewed as a destructive force, becomes the unlikely unifier of hope and despair. Through the lens of these lyrics, envy is not merely a vice, but a shared human experience that bridges those who hold onto hope and those who have succumbed to despair.

In this poetic intersection, Pink Floyd encapsulates a pivotal aspect of human nature—the deep-seated yearning and the consequent turmoil of comparing oneself to another. The dichotomy between ‘hopeful’ and ‘damned’ serves as a potent reminder of aspirations that can both inspire and afflict, tied together by the common thread of innate human longing and the existential unease that often accompanies it.

The Reverberating Echoes of Memorable Lines

In the climax of lyrical prowess, phrases like ‘Shade my eyes and I can see you,’ and ‘Moonshine made her cry every time,’ linger in the minds of audiences long after the music has ceased. These lines, charged with emotion, serve as bookmarks in the exploration of ‘Green is the Colour’. They resonate with the profundity of love, loss, and the inevitable oxidation of life itself—themes that have become synonymous with Pink Floyd’s articulate storytelling.

More than just a song, ‘Green is the Colour’ morphs into an introspective journey between the notes, offering a tapestry of reflections for the listener to unravel. It is in these poignant lyrical moments that Pink Floyd’s genius is most palpable, weaving together a sonic narrative that stands the test of time, ushering fans old and new into a world where color acts as both the language and the bridge of human consciousness.

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