Applejack by Dolly Parton

Do you know the song called Applejack by Dolly Parton? It’s a fun song that came out in 1977. Dolly Parton wrote it herself, and it was part of her album called New Harvest…First Gathering. The song tells a story about a man named Applejack who played the banjo. He wasn’t famous or anything, but he had a special place in the heart of the person singing the song, and that’s Dolly!

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Dolly Parton's Applejack at

Dolly Parton’s New Harvest…First Gathering album was an important one because Dolly was trying something new. She moved from traditional country music to more pop-sounding tunes. Even though she changed her style a bit, her fans still loved her and the songs she made. This album had other great songs, but Applejack is one of the most memorable ones.

Dolly Parton is not just a singer; she’s a storyteller. She has this magic way of making us feel like we’re right there in the song, living the story with her. In Applejack, she takes us back to her childhood days in the mountains of Tennessee. It’s like a sweet memory of good times, dancing, and making music with friends.

Did you know that Dolly Parton has written over 3,000 songs in her career? That’s a lot of stories! She grew up in a big family with many brothers and sisters, and they didn’t have much money. But they had a lot of love, and they loved to sing and make music together. Dolly’s songs often tell stories about her life, her dreams, and the people she’s met along the way.

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