Category: BadBadNotGood

IN YOUR EYES – Exploring Unspoken Desires in Melodic Jazz

BADBADNOTGOOD has long established their prowess in blending jazz sensibilities with contemporary facets of music, and ‘In Your Eyes’ stands out as a testament to their evolving sound. Engulfing listeners in waves of mellow chords, this track delves into the complex interplay of forbidden attraction, silent yearnings, and the tension of a love that can’t be openly acknowledged.

Time Moves Slow – Unpacking the Heartache and Reflective Stillness in Melody

Nestled within the poignant soundscape of BADBADNOTGOOD’s ballad ‘Time Moves Slow’ are layers of nuanced emotion and the universal human experience of dealing with the passage of time and the complexity of relationships. The song, featuring haunting lyrics and a lethargic rhythm, captures the essence of introspection and the bittersweet nature of looking back upon moments and love lost.