Category: RuPaul

Call Me Mother – Unpacking the Anthem of Empowerment

In a world saturated with fleeting hits, RuPaul’s ‘Call Me Mother’ strikes as a relentless pulse of empowerment. The song marries the ferocity of vogue ball culture with the polish of mainstream acceptance, encapsulating a message that transcends the dance floor.

Sissy That Walk – Strutting Into Self-Empowerment

In the pulsating universe of RuPaul, ‘Sissy That Walk’ isn’t just a track; it’s an anthem of self-assertion, a booming beacon for the underdogs and the marginalized. Taking a closer look at the lyrical prowess behind this buoyant leviathan in RuPaul’s discography, one finds a confluence of confidence, defiance, and unapologetic self-expression.


“Lucky” by RuPaul

RuPaul’s Drag Race is a television show which apparently features transgenders, not transsexuals. The difference between the two is that a transgender is, say, a man who dresses like a woman, i.e. a “drag” queen. But a...