Fanfare by TWICE Lyrics Meaning – A Triumphal Anthem for Resilience and Unity

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for TWICE's Fanfare at
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Are you ready? Yeah! (hoo, hoo)
Yeah, oh-oh (hoo!)

(Can you feel me, everyone?)
(It’s time to say goodbye)
待っていたよ 君のことを
心配しなくていいよ 全部わかってるから

覚悟決めた 君の eyes
そっとエール送るよ my love
Here we go, here we go 深呼吸したら そう

鳴らせ fanfare 高らかに
Restart 朗らかに
あの日 描いた未来へ
聴こえてる? 君を呼ぶ声
踏み出そうよ さぁ
叫べ hurray hurray 大声で
Brand-new 自分らしく
やり直せばいい 何回だって
繋いだ手 離さないから
約束しよう always by your side

Hey! Hey!

止まんなきゃ気づかない 景色だってある
辛い時は 無理しなくていいから (yeah)
泣いてもいいの 我慢しないで
ナミダ 雨のあとは 虹が見えるはず

熱く燃える 君の heart
信じれば叶うよ your wish
Here we go, here we go 迷いを捨てたら そう

響け fanfare 世界中に
Replay 軽やかに
憧れていた ステージへ
夢じゃまだ 終われないなら
諦めないで さぁ
届け hurray hurray 負けないで
Shine on 輝いて
星より光れ いつだって
ほら 笑ってよ always by your side

どんな時も ひとりにしない
You’re my sunshine
希望溢れる 胸のリズム
奏でよう 感じるまま

Oh yeah!
Don’t look back! Alright!
Hu hu! Hu hu!

鳴らせ fanfare 高らかに
Restart 朗らかに
あの日 描いた未来へ
聴こえてる? 君を呼ぶ声
踏み出そうよ さぁ
叫べ hurray hurray 大声で
Brand-new 自分らしく
やり直せばいい 何回だって
繋いだ手 離さないから
約束しよう always by your side

Full Lyrics

When Korean-Japanese pop powerhouse TWICE released ‘Fanfare’, listeners across the globe resonated with its infectious beats and indomitable spirit. The song serves as a vibrant soundtrack to the unwavering strength of the human spirit, bombarding the senses with a melody that defies the gravity of downheartedness. It’s an audio carnival, a celebration of the heart’s fortitude, and TWICE encapsulates this message within the harmonic layers of ‘Fanfare’.

The lyrical content isn’t merely bubblegum pop; it’s an epic poem set to music, an ode to the resilience that resides in every crack of a broken heart. ‘Fanfare’ doesn’t just call for attention with its triumphant brass; it seeks to ignite a fire in the soul of those bound by hesitation, fueling listeners with a sense of unwavering support and encouragement. Let’s dive into the meanings and messages that ‘Fanfare’ trumpets so loudly.

A Reveille of Resilience: Igniting the Spirit Against Adversity

The opening verses of ‘Fanfare’ can be seen as a wake-up call, a clarion that the time for action is now. TWICE paints a picture of a world stirred to motion with the break of dawn, symbolizing new beginnings and the awakening of latent possibilities. They acknowledge the longing and anticipation we have for meaningful change and reassure us that there’s no need to worry because mutual understanding is at the core of the message.

In this context, the ‘fanfare’ serves as a metaphor for the inner voice that calls us to commence the journey. It’s a sonic representation of the internal rallying cry that moves us to restart our lives with hopeful jubilation. The notion of painting one’s future and hearing the ‘voice’ that calls out echoes that our dreams are still within reach, regardless of how many times we’ve been dissuaded from pursuing them.

The Power of Emotional Release: Tears Can Precipitate Rainbows

TWICE doesn’t shy from embracing the full spectrum of human emotion. In a particularly poignant line, they reassure us that it’s okay to pause and recognize the beauty in the scenes we might miss if we’re always rushing. They further empower the listener with acceptance, giving permission to cry and not always be strong—a potent reminder that vulnerability is not weakness, and that often, after a storm, there comes the beauty of a rainbow.

This encourages listeners to embrace their hardships, as they inevitably lead to growth and emotional clarity. The ‘tears’ and ‘rain’ become necessary predecessors to the ‘rainbow’, symbolizing that joy and beauty often follow the honesty of emotional expression. There’s solace to be found in the natural cycle of struggle and relief, and TWICE highlights that cycle with grace and empathy.

Bridging the Gap: Heart to Heart Connections

Through poetic lyrics, ‘Fanfare’ also celebrates the tangible connections we forge with each other. With lines like ‘Your heart,’ burning passionately, and ‘Your wish,’ being something attainable through belief, the song reminds us that our connections are a conduit for mutual support and the realization of dreams. This is underpinned by the promise embodied in ‘joined hands’.

The sense of promise in ‘Fanfare’ is not to be taken lightly. TWICE isn’t just talking about fleeting support but a bond that’s ‘always by your side’, unbreakable and consistent. The concept of a ‘restart’ isn’t a solitary endeavor but a collective journey. This communal aspect is a source of strength and assurance, fostering the belief that nobody is alone in their struggle, and that as a united front, any challenge can be overcome.

Diving into the Anthem’s Hidden Meaning: An Euphonious Lifeline

Beneath its surface-level pop appeal, ‘Fanfare’ is a lifeline thrown in melodic form. TWICE sings not just of overcoming sorrow, but of guiding one through the murkiness of self-doubt and the path to self-discovery. The ‘fanfare’ is not just external, but a beat within our chests, the euphonious rhythm that pulses with hope and the power each person holds to affect change.

The message is that the sounds of our personal fanfares are interwoven; when we lift our voices together, the collective melody can reach the ends of the earth, resounding in a chorus of determination. It’s akin to the call to action seen in great epic tales—a summons to the hero within each of us, to take the stage we’ve been dreaming of and shine like the stars we are meant to be.

Memorable Lines That Echo in Eternity: Unleashing the Shouts of ‘Hurray’

With its triumphant choruses and hooks that stick, ‘Fanfare’ embroiders certain phrases into its fabric that listeners cannot easily shake off. The repetition of ‘Hurray hurray’ not only incites cheer but ensures that the song lingers, germinating in the minds of those needing a battle cry.

‘Shine on’ and ‘Always by your side’ are more than catchy sentences; they’re affirmations of the song’s underlying motif of togetherness and relentless optimism. These simple yet powerful lines serve as a beacon for anyone lost in the haze of uncertainty, reminding them that the warmth of solidarity and kinship is but a chant away.

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