Meaning of “Barking” by Ramz

Content-wise, the song “Barking” is an average mainstream rap tune. And the singular verse featured in the song basically has Ramz bigging-up himself. For instance, he brags about the expensive clothes that he gets to wear. He also makes allusions to the idea that he probably has different women who respond to his beck and call. And of course, like any good rap artist, Ramz has to throw gasoline on the fire that burns within his haters, letting them know that if they are experiencing hate, envy or similar emotions, that it is just unfortunate on their part.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Ramz's Barking at

What is “Barking”?

“Barking” itself is the name of a neighborhood in London, specifically one where a female friend of Ramz hails from. And outside of Ramz himself, this woman is the main character of the song. But while the chorus is centered on his interactions with her, the track in and of itself is not necessarily about this lady nor their relationship. Rather it is really just Ramz bragging about his pricey, envy-inducing lifestyle and giving shoutouts to different celebrities through clever wordplay. In doing so, he uses this woman and the suburb of Barking to put together a catchy, infectious, hit-producing hook.

What has Ramz said about “Barking”?

In an interview with GRM Daily, Ramz confirmed the song was inspired by an actual love interest of his. According to him, he actually traveled to the suburban town of Barking to meet with this girl.

Quick Facts about “Barking”

  • “Ramz (whose real name is Ramone Rochester) is credited as the song’s sole writer.
  • The song’s production was taken care of by an East London based music producer called Mokuba Lives.
  • “Barking” was released on September 17, 2017 as the first single of Ramz’s career as a professional singer/rapper.
  • This song was a great success in various European countries including the United Kingdom where it peaked at number 2. In Germany, it also performed very well, reaching the number 4 position.

Who is Ramz?

Known by his professional name Ramz, Ramone Rochester is an English rapper and singer based in London. Ramz’s professional career in the music industry began in 2017. He gained international recognition that same year with his breakout single “Barking”.

English rapper and songwriter Ramz.

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