Meaning of Gilded Lily by Cults

“Gilded Lily” by Cults appears to delve into the feelings and reflections surrounding a relationship, emphasizing the emotional toll it has taken and the desire for understanding and acknowledgment.

Coming to Terms & Reflection:

The lyrics indicate a period of reflection on a past event or situation. The singer is trying to understand and process the past, acknowledging it’s time to discuss what happened: “Now it’s been long enough to talk about it.”

Questioning Effort & Sacrifice:

The repeated line, “Haven’t I given enough, given enough?”, suggests feelings of exasperation. The singer seems to be expressing a deep sense of giving and sacrifice in the relationship and questions if their efforts have been recognized.

Feelings of Vulnerability & Emotional Strain:

Identifying as “Always the fool with the slowest heart,” the singer admits to being vulnerable in the relationship. There’s a sense of constantly feeling a step behind emotionally or being more susceptible to getting hurt.

Endings & Distance:

The references to graveyards and sleeping in the backyard hint at the idea of things coming to an end, or at least a significant distance or change in the relationship dynamics. There’s a sense of inescapability and inevitability in their bond.

Desire for Comfort & Connection:

The plea to “stretch out my arms” and “turn off all alarms and lie to me” speaks to a deep yearning for comfort and connection. The singer desires closeness, even if it means turning a blind eye to some truths.

Bond & Unconventional Relationship:

Despite the challenges and vulnerabilities expressed, there’s a strong sense of bond and connection between the singer and their partner. The lyrics suggest a relationship that may not be traditionally defined but is powerful nonetheless, as indicated by “We’ll live in spaces between walls.”

All in All

“Gilded Lily” delves into a relationship’s emotional depth, marked by vulnerabilities, sacrifices, and challenges, but also a profound bond that defies conventional definitions.

When was “Gilded Lily” released?

“Gilded Lily” was released on 6th October, 2017. It’s from their third album, “Offering”.

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