Ripple by Grateful Dead

Ripple is a song by the Grateful Dead that often touches the hearts of listeners. Released in 1970, it carries within its notes and words a gentle, introspective journey. It talks about life, paths chosen, and the ripples that one’s actions create. There’s a thoughtful, contemplative quality to Ripple, where listeners are invited to ponder their own journey, the paths they walk, and the waves they create in the vast ocean of existence.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Grateful Dead's Ripple at

Ripple was written by Robert Hunter (lyrics) and Jerry Garcia (music). The lyrics are often considered among Hunter’s most poetic and contemplative, offering listeners a gentle exploration of existence, decision, and influence. The soft melody crafted by Garcia cradles the words, creating a space where listeners can explore, reflect, and find their own meaning and connection to the words and notes.

The song is part of the album American Beauty, which weaves together various threads of life, emotion, and human experience into a tapestry that listeners can wrap around themselves. Ripple, with its gentle melody and thoughtful words, invites listeners to pause, reflect, and find peace and contemplation in its notes, remaining a cherished piece that continues to touch and inspire listeners with its quiet beauty and profound reflection.

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