Tagged: Dan Reynolds


“Sharks” by Imagine Dragons

For starters, what the titular “sharks” allude to, most simply put, is grimy people. Based on his explanation of this piece, as Dan Reynolds has aged he has also come to realize, in his own...


“Bones” by Imagine Dragons

One of the main goals of most religions seems to be imbuing believers with some type of understanding of what existing in the afterlife actually entails. But of course, not everyone is religious. And even then,...


“Enemy” by Imagine Dragons & JID

Imagine Dragon’s “Enemy” is a little bit complicated. Based on Dan Reynolds’ explanation, this track is actually centered on the concept of internal conflict. But that’s not how his lyrics actually come off. Rather, they read very...

One Day

“One Day” by Imagine Dragons

“One Day” appears to be one of the more imaginary, no pun intended, songs found on Mercury – Act 1. And the reason we’re making such a postulation is because it reads as if the vocalist, i.e....


“Cutthroat” by Imagine Dragons

The best way of understanding Imagine Dragons’ “Cutthroat” is by resorting to Dan Reynolds’ own somewhat lengthy explanation. But most simply explained, it is one in which he is choosing confidence over low self-esteem. Or described...

It's Ok

“It’s Ok” by Imagine Dragons

This song centers on the assertions “it’s okay to be not okay” and “it’s okay to be out of your mind”. As utilized, what these statements are intended to point to is the concept of...