Try Again by Keane Lyrics Meaning – A Soulful Dive into the Struggle for Redemption

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Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


I fell asleep on a late night train
I missed my stop and I went round again
Why would I want to see you now?
To fix it up, make it up somehow

Baby I’ll try again, try again
Baby I die every night, every time
What I was isn’t what I am
I’d change back but I don’t know if I can
Still I’ll try, try again, try again
Baby I die every night, every time

But I was made the way I am
I’m not a stone; I’m just a man
Lay down your arms and I will lay down mine
Rip back the time that we’ve been wasting

God I wish you could see me now
You’d pick me up and you’d sort me out
Baby I’ll try again, try again
Baby I die every night, every time

Full Lyrics

Keane’s heartfelt ballad ‘Try Again’ captivates listeners with its piercing honesty and haunting melody, unveiling a poignant narrative of perseverance amid personal turmoil. Delving into its lyrical depths, one discovers a universal tale of human vulnerability and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement.

Wrapped in the intimate sonics that Keane is known for, ‘Try Again’ strikes chords that resonate beyond the personal reflections of the protagonist, touching on the broader human condition of resilience and the courage to face our own failings head-on. Here’s an exploration of the song’s layered complexities and the enduring messages it conveys.

The Eternal Odyssey Toward Personal Reconciliation

The opening lines of ‘Try Again’ immediately transport the listener into a state of introspection. The imagery of missing a stop on a late-night train serves as a potent metaphor for life’s missteps. It’s a moment that encapsulates the essence of human fallibility – the realization that one has veered off course, perhaps lost in thought or overcome by life’s dizzying pace.

But this is no mere tale of regret; the question posed, ‘Why would I want to see you now?’ suggests a confrontation with the self or perhaps another. It’s a recognition of the need to address issues long ignored, to ‘fix it up, make it up somehow.’ The train ride is then a journey of the soul, a call to action wrapped in a layer of musical introspection.

Through Every Heartbeat, A Chance at Redemption

The refrain ‘Baby I’ll try again, try again / Baby I die every night, every time’ echoes with a torturous beauty, encapsulating the cyclical nature of striving and failing. It is a raw admission of the struggle within, where efforts to change are met with the death of a part of the self each night, marking the passage of time with trials and tribulations.

Each repetition of ‘try again’ is both a promise and a cry for help, underscoring the relentless push for self-improvement amidst emotional turmoil. This isn’t a physical death but a metaphorical one – the surrender of what was in pursuit of what might be.

The Metamorphosis of Self: Who We Were vs. Who We Are

When the protagonist reflects that ‘What I was isn’t what I am,’ listeners encounter the heart of transformation. This line serves as a stark reminder of the constant evolution of the self, shedding old skins in the hope of betterment.

Yet, there is a wistful nostalgia, a longing for the simplicity of who we once were before life complicated our narratives. It’s a universal struggle seen in ‘I’d change back but I don’t know if I can,’ the acknowledgment of past innocence lost and perhaps a desire to return, even if unsure of the path back.

Unveiling the Song’s Hidden Depths

‘Try Again’ cunningly invites listeners to lay down their arms, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. This plea for truce, for the disarming of emotional defenses, is set against the backdrop of ‘ripping back the time that we’ve been wasting,’ a powerful call to reclaim what has been lost to the abyss of indifference or fear.

In this hidden depth lies the call for connectivity, for raw humanity to face one another without pretense. It’s a moment of vulnerability, where the act of laying down one’s arms represents the bravest form of surrender – to one another and to the passage of time that waits for no one.

An Anthem of Resilience: The Most Memorable Lines

Undoubtedly, the most indelible lines of ‘Try Again’ lay in its simple yet profound refrain. With each utterance of ‘Baby I’ll try again, try again / Baby I die every night, every time,’ Keane etches a message of persistence onto the soul of the listener.

These words, repeated like a mantra, become a battle cry for anyone who has ever faced the dusk of defeat, only to rise with the dawn of hope. They’re lines that don’t just catch the ear – they capture the spirit of human endurance, reminding us that in trying, there lies the triumph of the human spirit.

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