Meaning of Tutti by Calcutta

“Tutti” by Calcutta is a contemplative song that touches upon themes of vulnerability, identity, societal perceptions, relationships, and the passage of time.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Calcutta's Tutti at

Here’s a breakdown:

Imagery and Descriptions: The lyrics describe everyday scenes, including putting on new shoes, the political landscape, and wanting to hold someone’s hand. These vivid images paint a picture of both external observations and personal sentiments.

Perceptions and Identity: The refrain “Tanto lo so che lo sai che non so” (roughly translating to “I know that you know that I don’t know”) underscores uncertainty and a lack of understanding of what others think. This highlights the desire for connection, validation, and the struggles of understanding oneself in relation to others.

Transient Nature of Relationships: The lyrics touch upon fleeting moments and memories, such as sleeping on rooftops, eclipses, conversations, and shared moments. The questions “E tu come stai? Che cosa fai?” (How are you? What are you doing?) show a longing to reconnect and understand the current state of a past relationship.

Self-Reflection and Societal Judgments: The recurring line “Che sembriamo tutti falliti” (which means “We all seem like failures”) is a poignant reflection on how society perceives individuals. This sense of feeling lost, flawed, or “failed” is contrasted with moments of joy and intimacy from the past.

Ephemeral Moments and Longing: The contrasting memories of silence and conversations, as well as the sensation of feet in the sea, evoke a sense of nostalgia and a yearning for the past.

In summary, “Tutti” by Calcutta delves deep into personal reflections, societal judgments, fleeting moments, and the ever-evolving nature of relationships, weaving these themes together with evocative imagery. The song seems to encapsulate the sentiment of feeling adrift in a world where everyone seems uncertain, yet craving genuine connections and understanding.

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