00000 Million by Bon Iver Lyrics Meaning – Unraveling the Tapestry of Human Emotion

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Bon Iver's 00000 Million at Lyrics.org.
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Must’ve been forces
That took me on them wild courses
Who knows how many poses
That I’ve been in
But them the main closest
Hark! it gives meaning mine
I cannot really post this
Ah feel the signs
I worried bout rain
And I worried bout lightning
But I watched them off
To the light of the morning
Marking the slope
Slung low in the highlands
Where the days have no numbers
If it’s harmed, it’s harmed me, it’ll harm, I let it in

Oh, the old modus
Out to be leading live
Said, comes the old ponens
Demit to strive
A word about Gnosis
It ain’t gonna buy the groceries
Or middle-out locusts
Or weigh to find
I hurry bout shame
And I worry bout a worn path
And I wander off
Just to come back home
Turning to waltz
Hold high in the lowlands
Cause the days have no numbers
It harms me, it harms me, it harms like a lamb

So I can depose this
Partial to the bleeding vines
Suppose you can’t hold shit
How high I’ve been
What a river don’t know is
To climb out and heed a line
To slow among roses
Or stay behind

I’ve been to that grove
Where no matter the source is
And I walked it off how long I’d last
Sore-ring to cope
Whole band on the canyon
Cause the days have no numbers
Well it harms, it harms me, it harms, I’ll let it in

Full Lyrics

Bon Iver has long been synonymous with sonic depth and lyrical complexity, painting landscapes of the soul that resonate long after the song concludes. 00000 Million, the closing hymn from the album ’22, A Million’, serves as a mellow yet profound finale. It converges the mystical with the mundane and threads themes of existential reflection through a tapestry rich with metaphor.

In Justin Vernon’s ethereal falsetto and sparse instrumentation, the song is both a soliloquy and a canvas, inviting listeners to project their own experiences. Exploring the lyrics of 00000 Million illuminates the congruence of external chaos with inner serenity and the perennial struggle between destiny and agency. Here, we decipher this auditory enigma and delve into the soul of its lyrical poetry.

Navigating the Wilderness of Fate – The Forces That Propel Us

The opening verse of ‘Must’ve been forces, That took me on them wild courses’ immediately throws us into the heart of a journey navigated by unseen powers. Bon Iver taps into the universal feeling of being at the mercy of circumstances beyond our control, evoking images of a path defined by ‘forces’.

This isn’t merely about a physical journey, but rather the course of life itself, sometimes wild and unpredictable. By confessing ‘I cannot really post this’, Vernon alludes to the inability to fully express or alter the preordained path, acknowledging the limits of individual influence over destiny.

Struck by the Divine – Seeking Meaning Amidst the Chaos

The intriguing ‘Hark! it gives meaning mine’ suggests a moment of epiphany amidst disorder. It speaks to a flash of understanding, an intimate gift gleaned from the tumult. Bon Iver weaves this revelation as something deeply personal yet utterly ineffable.

This line is a clarion call to listen closely, to reckon with the signs and symbols life presents. It’s an acceptance of the ‘meaning’ as not just found, but granted—a divine whisper in the cacophony of existence.

The Loom of Nature – Embracing the Temporal World

‘Where the days have no numbers’ serves as a potent refrain, emphasizing a retreat from the human-made order into a state of natural timelessness. It ushers in the idea of surrendering to life’s ebbs and flows, finding peace in the cyclical and the unquantified.

The natural world becomes a sanctuary, a place where the artificial constructs of society, like ‘numbers’, hold no sway. Through repeated mentions of ‘highlands’ and ‘lowlands’, 00000 Million juxtaposes the highs and lows of existence against a backdrop of undying landscapes.

A Reflection on Material and Spiritual Desires – Gnosis Versus Groceries

Vernon examines the dichotomy between spiritual enlightenment, or ‘Gnosis’, and the necessity for material sustenance, the ‘groceries’. This paints a vivid portrayal of life’s balancing act between feeding the soul and the body.

In choosing to foreground these words, Bon Iver posits the question of value and worth. He likens existential insights to locusts, potentially plentiful but ultimately unable to provide the tangible sustenance we require. It’s a meditation on the limitations of spiritual pursuits in the face of practical needs.

The Enduring Resilience of the Human Spirit – Harms that Shape Us

The recurring idea that ‘it harms me, it harms me, it harms like a lamb’ brings forth the notion of innocence suffering. Yet, there’s a profound acceptance of pain as part of the journey: ‘Well it harms, it harms me, it harms, I’ll let it in.’

By allowing the pain to enter, there’s an implication of transformation and growth. Bon Iver doesn’t resist or reject the hurt, but rather permits it to complete its course, an essential part of the self’s evolution. This admission is both an act of vulnerability and courage, a recognition that suffering itself is integral to the human condition.

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