Meaning of “Faaip de Oiad” by Tool

First off let’s start with this song’s unusual title (Faaip de Oiad). It is actually written in a language called Enochian, which according to its 16th century founders is said to be angelic in origin. And what the term translates to in English, roughly, is ‘voice of God’.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Tool's Faaip de Oiad at

The lyrics present in the song do not feature Maynard James Keenan singing but rather a sample of a telephone call which was made to the radio show called “Coast to Coast AM” that was hosted by conspiracy theorist named Art Bell (1945-2018). This memorable call was made on 11 September 1997.

The caller, who is speaking as if he is very afraid, claims to be “a former employee of Area 51” that is currently on the run for some unspecified reason. But given the nature of what he is saying throughout, the implication is that he is some type of a whistle-blower, especially considering the fact that he claims to even face the threat of being caught, via high-technological means, due to making the phone call.

Aliens Exist

And the overall topic of his statement is that there “are extra-dimensional beings”, i.e. aliens of some sort, currently on Earth. According to him, these aliens are liaising with and have even infiltrated certain facets of the US Government, such as the space program and military. Moreover he states that some unidentified disasters are imminent. Additionally he alludes to the idea that there is some sort of powerful secret society operating behind the scenes who actually know that such is forthcoming yet want it to transpire in the name of depopulating cities so that the survivors will be more inclined to follow their lead.

It should be noted that this selfsame caller re-called the show some weeks later and stated that the original call, i.e. this sample, was actually a hoax. However, the reason it has remained a viable conspiracy despite this declaration is that during the original call the radio station mysteriously went off-air for about half an hour. And there has never been an official explanation as to why this technical malfunction (via the satellite it was using) occurred.

Faaip de Oiad


So it can be deduced that the idea Tool is presenting in “Faaip de Oiad”, considering its title and subject matter, is that there is actually such a thing as aliens – for lack of a better word – who are already here among us. And certain powerful governmental entities are well aware of such. A belief system such as this would be consistent with individuals who actually believe in the divine nature of the Enochian language, as Tool apparently did.

Release Date of “Faaip de Oiad”

This track was released through Volcano Entertainment on 15 May 2001. Tool released it as part of their third album titled Lateralus.

Creation of Song

 This song was written by the four members of Tool. Owing to this the official writing credits of this song go to the following:

  •  Danny Carey
  •  Justin Chancellor
  • Adam Jones
  • Maynard James Keenan

 The entire band also produced the song alongside David Bottrill, who had worked on the entirety of “Lateralus” as well as their previous two albums.

6 Responses

  1. D3viant Artist says:

    I listened to the Coast to Coast station that night and worked at Groom Lake ( area 51 ) and I promise you that Aliens are very real and have been among us alot longer than we will ever know. As for the Enochian language being Angelic ? Who knows ? But if you believe in God, why not Angels

  2. Ross says:

    wow, you work at groom :O I can imagine it’s a hot topic in your town. you must have heard so much.
    if you have any crazy sh* you’d like to tell a filmmaker across the other side of the world. let me know 😉

  3. cc says:

    Aliens, God. I’d be more worried about your government controlling you eg; China dictating to U.S.A. now under Biden, pandemic and many other human threats. Aliens don’t bother me at all, neither does ‘god’ only our local government whatever that means for people in every country including mine in n.z

  4. Anonymous says:

    While interesting to explore such possibilities, anything that is not verifiable with your own experience is a waste of time. There is truth, but truth does not need you to believe it. Truth is truth. That said, focusing on what you can control and verify is most important. Be kind to others and be a better person. Both have immediate, verifiable results.

  5. Glaze says:

    I believe anyone who triangulates.

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