Tagged: Tool


Tool’s “Opiate” Lyrics Meaning  

In the literal/physical sense of the word, an “opiate”, as you likely already know, is a drug and more specifically one that is commonly utilized in the name of pain relief (i.e. dulling the...


Tool’s “Prison Sex” Lyrics Meaning

Tool’s “Prison Sex” is one of those songs in which a legendary rock band, as they tend to do from time-to-time, confronts a disturbing yet real-life issue dead on. And in this case it would...

“Schism” by Tool

There have been different theories concerning the actual premise of Tool’s “Schism”. Some say it is based on divisions in the church. Others speculate that it is founded in tension Tool were experiencing. This tension was...


“Culling Voices” by Tool

 Culling, particularly in terms of how it is used in the title of this Tool song (“Culling Voices”), is the process of weeding out and eliminating unfavorable elements from a particular setting. And in this...


Tool’s “7empest” Lyrics Meaning

“7empest” is a song in which Tool is apparently addressing politicians and those of a similar ilk, as in leaders and masters of public opinion. And the sentiments they are relaying towards them are not favorable. Instead, the band is...


“Invincible” by Tool

Tool’s “Invincible” tells the tale of an aging warrior who refuses to retire from the “fray” or “battle”. And the title is based on the idea that, despite being well pass his prime, he sees no need to call it quits....

Fear Inoculum

“Fear Inoculum” by Tool

To begin with, an “inoculum” is basically a synonym for a vaccination. So on a metaphorical level, the title (Fear Inoculum) and content of this track is based on the concept of an individual, specifically...


Tool’s “Sober” Lyrics Meaning

Knowing the premise Tool’s “Sober” is based on will make understanding the heavy-handed metaphors used throughout a simpler task. The song is about a friend of the band who, simply put, was a substance addict. Or...

Faaip de Oiad

Meaning of “Faaip de Oiad” by Tool

First off let’s start with this song’s unusual title (Faaip de Oiad). It is actually written in a language called Enochian, which according to its 16th century founders is said to be angelic in origin. And what the...