____45_____ by Bon Iver Lyrics Meaning – Unraveling the Layers of Emotional Catharsis

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Bon Iver's ____45_____ at Lyrics.org.
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Well, I’ve been carved in fire
Well, I’ve been caught in fire
I’ve been caught in fire, oh
Well, I’ve been caught in fire
I’ve been carved in fire
I’ve been caught in fire
What comes prior to?

I’ve been caught in fire
I stayed down the other night
I’ve been caught in fire
I stayed down (without knowing what the truth is)
I’ve been caught in fire
I stayed down the other night
I’ve been caught in fire
I stayed down (without knowing what the truth is)
Fire (Fire)

Full Lyrics

Bon Iver, the creative brainchild of singer-songwriter Justin Vernon, has a reputation for delivering some of the most ethereal and introspective music of our generation. The song ‘____45_____’ is no exception, delving deep into the human psyche with a kind of raw vulnerability that both haunts and heals.

The track, mysterious in its repetitive simplicity, transforms through Vernon’s signature falsetto into a soundscape that invites listeners to find their own meanings within the abstraction. Here, we look beyond the surface and into the molten core of ‘____45_____,’ interpreting the soul-stirring poetry that Bon Iver has become synonymous with.

The Forge of the Soul: A Metaphor for Transformation

The recurring imagery of being ‘carved’ and ‘caught in fire’ throughout the song serves as a powerful metaphor for transformation through hardship. Fire here is multifaceted; it is destructive yet purifying, fearsome yet enlightening. Vernon appears to be communicating the experience of undergoing immense emotional or spiritual change, suggesting that, much like metal is shaped by flames, so too are our identities and understandings formed in the heat of our trials.

This sense of metamorphosis is further amplified by the dreamy, almost hypnotic quality of the music. The saxophone, played by acclaimed musician Colin Stetson, mirrors the turbulence of being engulfed by these proverbial flames, flaring up in moments of intensity and then waning, as if allowing space for reflection amid chaos.

An Ode to Uncertainty: Embracing the Unknown

‘I stayed down the other night without knowing what the truth is,’ Vernon admits candidly in the song. This line reveals a moment of surrender to the unknown, a common human experience that invokes both fear and liberation. By staying ‘down,’ or within the discomfort of not knowing, Vernon practices resilience and acceptance – something that listeners can resonate with deeply as they face their own epistemological voids.

The ambiguity of the song is intentional, becoming a space where listeners can project their own uncertainties and find solace in shared experiences. The repetition of lines and the almost meditative state it induces serves as a mantra for those who are journeying through their own personal uncharted territories.

Saxophones and Symbolism: The Language of ‘____45_____’

Bon Iver frequently experiments with sound, merging traditional song structures with avant-garde elements. In ‘____45_____,’ the saxophone becomes an extension of the voice and a symbol in its own right. Its spiraling riffs speak a language without words, conveying emotion and complexity in a manner that transcends the need for lyrical density.

This instrumentation is strategic, creating an immersive experience that captures the essence of the sentiments being expressed. The notes bend and wobble, mimicking the instability and transformation hinted at by the song’s verses, inviting listeners to feel rather than analyze.

The Resonance of Repetition: A Lyrical Labyrinth

Repetition in music can serve many purposes, from emphasizing a point to creating a hypnotic state. In ‘____45_____,’ the vocal repetition acts as a circular journey through which the listener is invited to navigate. Each iteration of ‘I’ve been caught in fire’ and the subsequent lines invites a deeper introspection, as if each pass through the refrain is a chance to peel back another layer of the self or the story.

It also reflects the cyclical nature of human experiences – the patterns we find ourselves caught in, and the recurring lessons we face. Vernon’s use of repetition in this track is both a narrative device and a tool for engendering a visceral, emotional response.

Unearthing the Hidden Meaning: Seeking What Comes Prior

The phrase ‘What comes prior to?’ serves as a cryptic anchor to the song, hinting at a search for origins and causes. It suggests a philosophical inquiry into the nature of events or emotions, asking what foundational experiences shape our current state of being. This search for root causes or underlying truths is emblematic of Bon Iver’s broader explorations into the depths of human emotion and existence.

Listeners may find themselves pondering the events that led to their current trials, just as Vernon introspects. It’s an invitation to join in a collective reflection, to consider the backstory of our individual fires and the ways in which they’ve been instrumental in carving the contours of our lives.

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