Althea by Grateful Dead

Althea is a song by the Grateful Dead that has touched many people since it was first heard in 1980. The song is like a little story, with Althea giving wisdom and advice to the person singing the song. Althea speaks about life, the universe, and lots of big thoughts, but in a way that feels friendly and close. She seems to understand a lot about how the world works and tries to share that with the singer. But the singer, even though they listen to Althea, seems to have a hard time really understanding and living by her words. It’s a song that makes people think and wonder, and many fans have found their own meanings in Althea’s words.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Grateful Dead's Althea at

The words for Althea were written by Robert Hunter, who was a big part of creating the Grateful Dead’s songs. The music was made by Jerry Garcia, who played guitar for the band. The two of them, Robert and Jerry, worked together on many songs, creating stories and sounds that have become beloved by fans all over the world. Jerry Garcia was known for his gentle voice and curious mind, always exploring and asking questions with his music. And Robert Hunter had a way with words that made people feel and think deeply, even while enjoying a good tune.

Althea can be found on the Grateful Dead’s album Go to Heaven, which was shared with the world in April 1980. Go to Heaven is an album that brought some new sounds and ideas into the Grateful Dead’s music. It’s known for its white cover, which is a bit different from the colorful artwork the band usually chose for their albums. Go to Heaven explores different feelings and thoughts, with Althea as one of its standout tracks. Through the song, and the album, the Grateful Dead invite listeners to explore, think, and maybe even dance a little, as they journey through the stories and sounds.

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