Meaning of Chinese by Lily Allen

“Chinese” is a song by Lily Allen. You can find this song on her second studio album, “It’s Not Me, It’s You” (2009). Here are some interesting facts about the song:

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Lily Allen's Chinese at

Personal Touch: “Chinese” is one of the more personal and introspective songs on the album. It delves into the comfort and solace Allen finds in simple pleasures, like spending time with a loved one or enjoying a meal.

Mother’s Influence: The song is believed to be about the comfort of being with her mother. In the song, she sings about looking forward to seeing her mother and the comfort of her mother’s cooking, which is a metaphor for the warmth and familiarity of home.

Contrast to Other Tracks: While many songs on “It’s Not Me, It’s You” tackle broader societal issues or explore various relationships, “Chinese” stands out for its intimate and comforting tone, focusing on the personal joy and solace Allen finds in her relationship with her mother.

Soothing Melody: The song’s melody is gentle and soothing, complementing its lyrics perfectly. It’s a stark contrast to some of the more upbeat and satirical songs on the album.

Not About Chinese Cuisine: While the title might suggest that the song is about Chinese food, it’s more about the feeling of comfort and familiarity. The reference to “Chinese” in the chorus is more about the idea of ordering takeout and enjoying a quiet, comforting evening at home.

Album’s Success: “It’s Not Me, It’s You” was a commercial success, and while “Chinese” wasn’t released as a single, it still remains a fan favorite due to its heartfelt lyrics and melody.

Live Performances: “Chinese” has been included in some of Lily Allen’s live performances, and it’s often received warmly by audiences due to its intimate nature.

Chinese Lyrics

“Chinese” by Lily Allen is a heartfelt song that captures the essence of finding comfort in the simple, everyday moments with a loved one. Here’s a breakdown of the lyrics:

Verse 1: The song starts with the singer observing her surroundings from an airplane, indicating she’s traveling. The mention of the carousel and traffic suggests she’s returning from a journey and is eager to get home. The mundane details, like waiting for luggage and having a cigarette, highlight the weariness and anticipation of being back home.

Chorus: The chorus is a beautiful depiction of the simple joys of being home. The mention of “beans on toast” and “a nice cup of tea” are quintessentially British comforts, symbolizing the warmth and familiarity of home. The recurring line about getting “a Chinese and watch TV” emphasizes the pleasure found in ordinary activities when shared with someone special.

Verse 2: The second verse delves deeper into the emotional aspect. The lines “You wipe the tears from my eye” and the mention of a phone call suggest a longing and the comfort that comes from being with someone who understands and supports you. The thought of being alone brings tears, but the anticipation of returning home offers solace.

Bridge: The bridge touches upon the inevitability of leaving again. Sending a postcard is a promise to stay connected, even when apart. It’s a bittersweet acknowledgment of the transient nature of such moments of togetherness.

Overall: “Chinese” is a song that celebrates the beauty of ordinary moments and the deep comfort of being with someone who makes you feel at home. It’s not about grand gestures or dramatic declarations of love; it’s about the quiet, everyday moments that become special when shared with a loved one.

The song resonates with many because it captures a universal sentiment – the yearning for home and the comfort it brings. Whether it’s the familiarity of a favorite meal or the simple act of watching TV together, these moments become cherished memories.

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