Dead in the Water by Ellie Goulding Lyrics Meaning – Diving Deep into a Heart-Wrenching Ballad

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Ellie Goulding's Dead in the Water at
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


If I was not myself
And you were someone else
I’d say so much to you
And I would tell the truth
‘Cause I can hardly breathe
When your hands let go of me
The ice is thinning out
And my feet brace themselves

I’m there in the water
Still looking for you
I’m there in the water
Can’t you see?
Can’t you see?

You’ve seen this all before
A life left on the shore
We’re smiling all the same
You sail away again

I’m there in the water
Still looking for you
I’m there in the water
Can’t you see?
Can’t you see?

Oh, yeah, I’m dead
(I’m dead in the water)
I’m dead in the water
(Still looking for you)
Oh, still looking for you
(I’m dead in the water)
For you, for you, oh
(Can’t you see?)
Can’t you see?
I’m dead in the water
Still looking for you
I’m dead in the water
Can’t you see?

I’m dead in the water
Still looking for you
I’m dead in the water
Can’t you see?
Can’t you see?

Full Lyrics

The haunting melodies of Ellie Goulding’s ‘Dead in the Water’ convey an emotional labyrinth that listeners may find themselves navigating, with each chord and lyric. The song, a bonus track from her sophomore album ‘Halcyon’, echoes with an ethereal resonance that touches on themes of love, loss, and the suffocating grip of holding onto something—or someone—that’s not there anymore.

With Goulding’s ethereal voice acting as a siren call to the depths of heartache, the song paints a poignant picture of longing and lament. The driving force here isn’t the beat, but the pervasive melancholy that tugs at the soul. Though it never gained the commercial popularity of some of her hits, ‘Dead in the Water’ remains a testament to Goulding’s ability to craft deeply affective music.

The Echoing Silence of Unrequited Love

At its core, ‘Dead in the Water’ is an elegy to the one-sided dance of unrequited love. Goulding’s masterful storytelling through subdued vocals captures the ache of reaching out to a beloved who has emotionally retreated. The metaphor of thinning ice on which the protagonist treads is reflective of the brittle nature of a connection that is about to break, leaving her isolated in the chilling waters of abandonment.

The repetition of desperate phrases, ‘I’m there in the water/Still looking for you,’ serves as the haunting refrain throughout the song. Here, Goulding isn’t just alluding to physical distance but also to the emotional chasm that exists when love is no longer reciprocated. The water symbolizes her own feelings—a vast, tumultuous sea in which she is adrift and alone.

The Transformation of Identity and Attachment

The lines ‘If I was not myself/And you were someone else’ reveal a desire for transformation. It’s a profound longing to breach the barriers of identity, to become ‘other’ in an attempt to be heard and understood. This intrinsic human yearning—to shift and mold oneself for the sake of connection—underscores just how deeply the singer is entrenched in her emotional tribulations.

But even though this transformation is sought, it’s the raw authenticity of ‘I would tell the truth’ that reminds us of Goulding’s commitment to an honest portrayal of her feelings. It encapsulates the paradoxical struggle: the need to change for someone’s affection versus the desire to remain true to oneself.

The Song’s Hidden Meaning: A Dance with Depression

Beneath the surface lament of lost love lies a much darker undercurrent. ‘Dead in the Water’ can be perceived as an allegory to grappling with depression. The singer identifies herself with silence and stillness—traditional symbols of numbness and existential stasis often associated with depressive states.

Goulding, with poignant subtlety, sings of being ‘dead in the water,’ a phrase that might be recognized as a cry for help, a declaration of feeling emotionally lifeless and inert. It’s a powerful testament to Goulding’s artistry that a song about a personal emotional experience can be an anthem for anyone who has felt the overwhelming sense of being paralyzed by their internal struggles.

The Powerful Metaphor of Thinning Ice

There is a brilliance in the use of natural imagery to signify fraying emotions. When Goulding mentions ‘The ice is thinning out/And my feet brace themselves,’ she invites us into a moment teetering between safety and danger—the all-consuming risk of falling through into the cold unknown of a loveless existence.

As a metaphor, thinning ice serves to illustrate the fragile state of the singer’s emotional fortitude. It’s a precarious and tense visual that encapsulates the moment before an inevitable fall, building suspense and uncertainty that grips the listener.

Lyrical Hauntings: The Phrases That Echo in Our Minds

Certain phrases in ‘Dead in the Water’ stand out for their haunting clarity. ‘You sail away again’ is one such line, starkly capturing the theme of abandonment. It conjures images of a beloved departing without a backward glance, leaving the singer to grapple with painful solitude.

Another memorable line, ‘I’m dead in the water/Still looking for you,’ drives home the feeling of hopelessness. It resonates as a profound statement of futility, continuing to search and long for someone who has moved on. The artful repetition of these lines creates a chilling refrain that underscores the entire song, amplifying its emotive power with each iteration.

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