Inevitable by Shakira Lyrics Meaning – Unveiling the Depths of Love and Loss

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Shakira's Inevitable at
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Si es cuestión de confesar
No sé preparar café
Y no entiendo de fútbol
Creo que alguna vez fui infiel
Juego mal hasta el parqués
Y jamás uso reloj

Y para ser más franca nadie piensa en ti
Como lo hago yo
Aunque te dé lo mismo

Si es cuestión de confesar
Nunca duermo antes de diez
Ni me baño los domingos
La verdad es que también
Lloro una vez al mes
Sobre todo cuando hay frío

Conmigo nada es fácil
Ya debes saber
Me conoces bien
(Y sin ti todo es tan aburrido)

El cielo está cansado ya de ver
La lluvia caer
Y cada día que pasa es uno más
Parecido a ayer
No encuentro forma alguna de olvidarte porque
Seguir amándote
Es inevitable

Siempre supe que es mejor
Cuando hay que hablar de dos
Empezar por uno mismo
Ya sabrás la situación
Aquí todo está peor
Pero al menos aún respiro

No tienes que decirlo
No vas a volver
Te conozco bien
(Ya buscaré qué hacer conmigo)

El cielo está cansado ya de ver
La lluvia caer
Y cada día que pasa es uno más
Parecido a ayer
No encuentro forma alguna de olvidarte porque
Seguir amándote
Es inevitable

Siempre supe que es mejor
Cuando hay que hablar de dos
Empezar por uno mismo

Full Lyrics

In her poignant ballad ‘Inevitable’, Shakira navigates the turbulent seas of human emotion with a raw honesty that resonates with any soul that has loved deeply and lost. This isn’t just a song; it’s a confessional stripped of pretense, where the Colombian singer-songwriter bares her imperfections and vulnerabilities, laying them out for the world to see.

As listeners, we are voyeurs into Shakira’s heartfelt admissions — from not knowing how to prepare coffee to confessing infidelity, the song is a tapestry woven from the threads of human experience. But what lies beneath the surface of these seemingly simple statements? Let’s delve into the layers of meaning hidden within the lyrics of ‘Inevitable’.

Confessions of an Imperfect Heart

Shakira’s candid confessions in the opening lines of ‘Inevitable’ do more than just paint a picture of a woman with charming quirks and daily routines. They symbolize the essence of human fallibility. By emphatically stating what she is not – a coffee connoisseur, a sports fanatic, a punctual being – she is inviting us into a space of raw honesty.

This vulnerability symbolizes something larger than the sum of its parts. It represents the fundamental truth that to love someone is to accept them, flaws and all. Shakira doesn’t seek to hide these imperfections; instead, she uses them as a bridge to connect with the listener on a profoundly personal level.

The Unseen Battle of Emotional Investment

A pivotal but subtle element within ‘Inevitable’ is the disparity between the emotional investment of the narrator and their subject. ‘Y para ser más franca nadie piensa en ti / Como lo hago yo / Aunque te dé lo mismo’ tells us of a love unreciprocated. In these lines, Shakira reveals the often invisible wounds of loving someone more than they love you.

The song serves as an anthem for those who’ve given a piece of themselves to another, only to realize that their devotion is met with indifference. The wistful acceptance of this truth – conveyed in the raw texture of Shakira’s voice – becomes a somber dance between hope and resignation.

The Siren’s Refrain: ‘Es Inevitable’

It is in the rousing repetition of ‘Es inevitable’ that we find the heart of the song – an acceptance of love as an unrelenting force that persists in the face of logic and circumstance. Shakira doesn’t just sing these words; she breathes life into them, turning what could be a resignation into a powerful statement of endurance.

Herein lies the strength of ‘Inevitable’ – the recognition that sometimes, despite the chaos and pain, our capacity for love remains indomitable, a force that not even the singer can escape. With each declaration of ‘Seguir amándote / Es inevitable’, Shakira encapsulates the power of emotion to persist when all else has faded.

Retracing Shakira’s Echoes of Solitude

In every refrain about the relentless rain and the wearisome days ‘parecido a ayer’, there’s an undercurrent of solitude that resonates with listeners. These lines are not only poetic but evoke the feeling of a world grown monotonous and grey without the presence of a once-significant other.

Such poignant imagery offers a view into the landscape of the heart left behind. It’s a universal ache – observing time’s relentless march, feeling each day as a hollow echo of the last, Shakira’s lyrics touch on the stark reality of enduring life when the one who brought color to it is gone.

Memorable Lines That Carve Into the Heart

Among the most stirring lines of ‘Inevitable’ is ‘Ya buscaré qué hacer conmigo,’ a phrase that captures the sense of purposelessness that can follow in the wake of a lost connection. This single statement encapsulates the need to rediscover oneself after the identity has been intertwined with another.

Shakira encapsulates the complexity of the post-breakup phase when familiarity has been stripped away, and one is left to question how to move forward. It’s a sentiment that deeply resonates with anyone who has had to find their bearings after a significant relationship comes to an end.

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