Life In The Vivid Dream by Grimes Lyrics Meaning – A Labyrinth of Truth and Illusion

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Grimes's Life In The Vivid Dream at
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


I could live in the world just like a stranger
I could tell you the truth or a lie
I could tell you that people are good in the end
But why, why would I?

Angels will cry when it’s raining
Tears that are no longer clean
What do you mean?
What do you mean, it’s all gone?
I’ve waited here so long

Bye to the people
They, they do nothing
Now that you’re missing something
You wanna leave the world with me

Full Lyrics

In the eclectic repertoire of Grimes, ‘Life In The Vivid Dream’ holds a distinctive place, existing as both an ethereal whisper and a profound scream into the void of modern existence. The track, a brief yet haunting composition found on the album ‘Art Angels’, encapsulates a realm of existential quandary that the artist adeptly weaves into her music.

The lyrics of ‘Life In The Vivid Dream’ may trip lightly off the tongue, but they carry a hefty weight of significance, wrapping critical introspection in the guise of melodic simplicity. This piece will navigate the undercurrents of Grimes’s contemplative track, uncovering the layered nuances and expounding upon its deeper resonances with the contemporary soul.

An Ethereal Inquiry into Human Existence

To exist ‘just like a stranger’ implies a profound detachment, a feeling of being an outsider in your own world. Grimes toys with the notion of truth and its place in an individual’s journey. The choice to speak in falsehoods or reality becomes a reflection of the self more than an observation of the world.

In a sea of melodies conveying blissful ignorance or unbridled hope, this track professes a darker, more nuanced confession. There’s a conscious questioning of purpose and the moral trajectory of humanity. Grimes positions the listener at the precipice of this existential cliff, leaving them to ponder the vastness beyond.

Celestial Lament: The Purity of Sorrow

Angelic figures traditionally symbolize purity and the divine, crying ‘tears that are no longer clean’ evokes a sense of corruption and lost innocence. It is a vivid image of the celestial beings weeping over the failings of humanity, their tears mingled with the pollution of earthly sins.

The beauty of this line lies in its ability to convey disillusionment not only in individual experiences but in the collective narrative of human progress. The artist calls attention to the fading hope, perhaps suggesting that even the heavens grieve the environmental and moral decay we have cultivated.

The Heart-Wrenching Reality of Loss

‘What do you mean, it’s all gone?’ This rhetorical question captures the essence of grappling with unexpected loss. It’s a powerful expression of realizing that something you’ve taken for granted—be it environmental beauty, personal relationships, or societal stability—might be irretrievably lost.

The music echoes this sentiment of despondency and disbelief. Grimes delivers the lyrics with a haunting delicacy, ensuring that the weight of the words lingers long after the song has ended. This lamentation for what has been lost to time or apathy becomes a siren call prompting introspective reflection.

A Goodbye Drenched in Futility and Longing

The act of bidding farewell to people who ‘do nothing’ is laden with a sense of futility and exasperation. It’s a poignant resignation to the apathy that permeates society, a dismissal of the complacent that stands idly by while the world requires action.

Yet, within this goodbye lies a yearning for companionship in exodus. Amidst the decay of values and the earth itself, there is still a desire to ‘leave the world with me,’ an invitation to flee the devastation. It’s a plea for like-minded souls to join in a journey away from the dystopia that reality could become.

The Quest For Meaning Within The Enigmatic

Grimes’s ‘Life In The Vivid Dream’ serves as a dreamscape that illuminates human vulnerabilities and the elusive quest for purpose. The ‘vivid dream’ conjures up a place of intense color and emotion, suggesting a hyper-real existence that is both poignant and surreal.

Navigating the piece textually opens a pandora’s box of interpretations. Listeners are left to discern the tangible from the imagined, the literal from the metaphorical. The song becomes a mirror, reflecting not just Grimes’s own musings, but also the listener’s internal dialogue about their place in the universe.

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