Meaning of “Either Way” by IVE

IVE’s “Either Way” touches on themes ranging from self-identity to individuality. It also touches on the subjective nature of opinions and perceptions.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for IVE's Either Way at

Verse 1

The singer notes that people have varying opinions of her. Some find her pretentious, while others think she’s too nice, almost to a fault. This highlights the idea that everyone will have different perspectives based on their own experiences and biases.


Despite sometimes feeling misunderstood or unfairly judged, the singer acknowledges that these misconceptions are just a part of life. The line “우리 모두 다 나야” suggests that we all, in some way, experience these feelings of being judged or misinterpreted.


Here, the main message of the song shines through. Regardless of what others think or say, the singer is comfortable with who she is. She emphasizes that there’s no right or wrong when it comes to personal identities and that we should all embrace our individualities.

Verse 2

The singer talks about her friends, who also have contrasting characteristics. One is like an older sister but is said to be childish, while another is perceived as carefree but is actually sensitive. This stresses that people are multifaceted, and it’s limiting to box someone into a single trait.


The line “쟤 I 라서 그래 넌 E 라서 그래” suggests that people are quickly labeled based on limited knowledge about them. But the singer encourages moving past such judgments and just being oneself.


The repetition of “I” and “나” (which means “I” or “me” in Korean) emphasizes the importance of self. There’s an encouragement to embrace all facets of one’s identity.


The chorus now includes “you’re good,” highlighting that this message isn’t just for the singer but for everyone. We all have our unique traits, and it’s okay to be different. There’s no need to fit into a mold.


It wraps up the song on a positive note, suggesting that regardless of differences and judgments, we should approach life with a smile and understanding.

Core Message of “Either Way”

At the end of the day, this song tells us all that it is perfectly ok to be ourselves. We shouldn’t care what people say. We should just be ourselves. Being genuine is essential, no matter the opinions of others.

When was “Either Way” released?

IVE released this on 25th September, 2023.

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