Run by Hozier Lyrics Meaning – Unraveling the Soulful Ballad’s Deep Emotional Core

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Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Rare is this love, keep it covered

I need you to run to me, run to me, lover

Run ’til you feel your lungs bleeding

Oh but the pharaoh knows

Her hungry eye, her ancient soul

It’s carried by the sneer in the night rule [?]

Know what it is to grow

Beneath her sky, a punishing cold

To sow the light of her ancient misery

To be twisted by something

A shame without a sin

Like how she twisted the bug man

After she married him

Rare is this love, keep it covered

I need you to run to me, run to me, lover

Run ’til you feel your lungs bleeding

But in all the world

There is one lover worthy of her

With as many souls claimed as she

But for all he’s worth

He still shatters always on her earth

The cause of every tear she’d ever weep

Rushing ashore to meet her

Foaming with loneliness

White ends to follow and meet her

Give her his loneliness

Rare is this love, keep it covered

I need you to run to me, run to me, lover

Run ’til you feel your lungs bleeding

Rare is this love, keep it covered

I need you to run to me, run to me, lover

Run ’til you feel your lungs bleeding

Rare is this love, keep it covered

I need you to run to me, run to me, lover

Run ’til you feel your lungs bleeding

Full Lyrics

Within the lyrical labyrinth of Hozier’s ‘Run’ lies a tapestry woven with threads of passion, mythology, and profound emotion. The intricate interplay between love’s rarity and the intensity of connection seeps through like the gentle bleed of watercolor on a canvas of human experience.

Through a visceral sonic soundscape, Hozier paints love as an ancient force, demanding, sometimes punishing, but endlessly sought after. Each verse, brimming with vivid imagery and deep-seated yearning, invites us to peel back the layers of metaphor and meaning within this haunting melody.

A Love Eldritch in Nature

Hozier’s ‘Run’ evokes images of primordial desire and the gravitas of love. References to a ‘pharaoh’ and her ‘ancient soul’ transport listeners to a realm where love commingles with timeless echoes of past civilizations. This ethereal being, the object of the song’s affection, brings with her a weight of history, casting love as not just an emotional state but as a ride through epochs of human ache and triumph.

When Hozier implores his lover to ‘run to me,’ he’s not seeking mere physical closeness. He beckons them into a shared sphere of soulful profundity, a place where two beings are not just connected by the present but entwined in the eternal dance of history’s love stories.

The Pinnacle of Suffering and Salvation

The recurring command to ‘Run ’til you feel your lungs bleeding’ stands out as a paradoxical plea for sacrifice and salvation. Herein lies the understanding that true connection may necessitate a harrowing journey, both freeing and constricting. It suggests love’s ability to elevate us to heights of joy while simultaneously dragging us through the thorns of vulnerability and hurt.

The ‘lungs bleeding’ metaphor conjures a vivid picture of love’s sometimes suffocating intensity. But it’s in this very asphyxiation that we find our deepest breaths of life, suggesting that pain and passion are inseparable companions on the road to true union.

Enigmatic Allusions and the Dance with Destiny

Layering his enigmatic prose with allusions to fate and power, Hozier crafts a narrative that intertwines human experience with the celestial. The line ‘But for all he’s worth, He still shatters always on her earth’ operates as a commentary on how even the mightiest among us are humbled in love’s presence—rendered malleable, vulnerable, prone to fracture at the hands of the one we adore.

This cosmic collision, where human fragility meets the unyielding force of love, alludes to a surrender not just to another soul but to the design of the universe itself. It suggests a recognition of the predetermined and the role love plays within the weave of destiny.

The Woven Tapestry of Soulful Synesthesia

Music has the unique ability to bleed across the senses, and Hozier masterfully utilizes this synesthetic quality in ‘Run.’ His imagery conjures hues of longing and textures of emotion, mapping the song’s narrative across a sensory canvas that listeners can not only hear but also feel, taste, and see.

The vivid tableau of ‘foaming with loneliness’ and ‘white ends to follow and meet her’ ignites a particular visual and tactile response, pulling the listener deeper into the waves of the songwriter’s eloquent emotional ocean.

‘Run’: A Mosaic of Hidden Meanings Uncovered

The haunting repetition of ‘Run to me, run to me, lover,’ embedded throughout the song frames love as both a sanctuary and a battlefield. It is a call to arms and to solace, a siren’s song that at once warns and welcomes. Hozier sets up love as a light that can both guide and blind, a dichotomy that listeners are left to navigate, armed only with their interpretations and experiences.

In peeling back the layers of ‘Run,’ one discovers a treasure trove of hidden meanings that resonate on a spectral frequency. It’s this richness of symbolism and layered lyricism that solidifies the song’s place as a modern classic—capable of touching souls and stimulating minds in equal measure.

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