Someday by Two Door Cinema Club Lyrics Meaning – Decoding the Relentless Pursuit of Destiny

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Two Door Cinema Club's Someday at
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


Is it a race, or a chase?
It’s a difficult one.
Are you running faster and further away,
Or are you trying to keep up?

Sticks and stones have left you alone,
And all your words will soon desert you.
Are you waiting?

There is no time
For wasting any time.
This is the end of the line,
The definite sign
Of what we will be

Where do we start
If we will end apart?
Where do we go from here?
It’s head versus heart.
It will all be clear

We hear that rumbling song in the distance.
It’s coming closer, but we don’t like to talk about it.
The sticks and stones won’t build you a home,
And every word it will exert you
’til your done.

There is no time
For wasting any time.
This is the end of the line,
The definite sign
Of what we will be

Where do we start
If we will end apart?
Where do we go from here?
It’s head versus heart.
It will all be clear

Full Lyrics

The track ‘Someday’ by Two Door Cinema Club unfurls itself like a map of the human psyche in motion — a dialogue of running and chasing that seems to entangle itself within the very fibers of our ceaseless endeavors. In exploring the chasm between our aspirations and present realities, the band crafts an anthem for those caught in the relentless pursuit of their personal destinies.

Far from being just another indie hit to hum along to, ‘Someday’ is a labyrinthine work which invites listeners to unravel its layers with each listen. It conjures up the internal strife of heart versus head in a way that resonates with the evergreen human struggle for meaning and direction.

The Unending Quest: ‘Someday’ and the Human Condition

The lyrics of ‘Someday’ can be deciphered as an exploration of the human condition, one marked by a duality of existence that pushes and pulls in equal measure. It’s the classic race against time, the never-ending chase after an elusive something that lies just out of reach. Whether it be fulfillment, purpose, or simply the next milestone in one’s personal journey, the song captures the quintessence of human striving.

This pursuit is painted as both compulsory and existential, the sticks and stones of life that leave us alone and words that desert us are symbolic of the trials and tribulations that force us to forge ahead. And yet, one must wonder if the race is one of our own making — a voluntary marathon where the finish line keeps receding into the horizon.

A Ticking Clock in a Standstill World: The Role of Time

Time is a central motif within ‘Someday’, at once tyrannical and slipping like sand through fingers desperate to hold on. The message is clear and urgent: ‘There is no time for wasting any time.’ These words serve as an incantation for the modern age where a sense of urgency perpetuates the fear of stagnancy, and yet the actual progression feels starkly static, a paradox that afflicts the contemporary soul.

As the song asserts the ‘end of the line’ and a ‘definite sign’ of what we will be, it suggests a predestined outcome that we’re all hurtling toward — an inescapable fate that looms ever closer, compelling us to make haste in our lives’ endeavors, lest we squander the time given to us.

Head Versus Heart: The Internal Battle We Can’t Escape

It is the cognitive dissonance of ‘head versus heart’ that takes center stage in ‘Someday’, posing a question that is as old as time yet remains refreshingly pertinent: where do we go from here? This line encapsulates the internal conflict that many face when making life’s critical decisions. Do you follow the logical path laid out by reason, or do you give in to the tempestuous whims of emotion?

It’s within this question that the hidden meaning of the song emerges — the notion that amidst our racing and chasing, it’s the grappling with our innermost selves that truly shapes our future. The song appears to suggest that this internal struggle will ultimately lead toward a clarity of purpose, a moment of revelation that arrives ‘Someday’.

Defying Silence: The Articulate Cry of the Unheard

When ‘Someday’ touches on words deserting the individual, it taps into a powerful human fear — the dread of being voiceless in a cacophony of voices. This introspection speaks to the heart of what it means to seek validation and understanding. Yet, in the same breath, the song serves as a defiant anthem for those battling to ensure their voice resonates amidst the chaos of existence.

The rumbling song in the distance, coming closer yet not openly discussed, symbolizes the understated battles and personal revolutions that define each individual’s narrative. These are the stories that, for all their potency, often remain hidden from the wider world, whispered rather than declared, and yet are no less monumental in shaping our ‘Someday’.

Memorable Lines That Etch into the Soul

The delicate interplay of lyrics in ‘Someday’ sets a backdrop for lines that are as haunting as they are insightful. When the band asserts, ‘This is the end of the line, the definite sign of what we will be Someday,’ they seamlessly weave a thread of fatalism with the tightrope of hopeful anticipation. It’s a stroke of songwriting genius that mirrors the bittersweet tang of our own expectant yearnings.

Conversely, the line, ‘Where do we start if we will end apart?’ serves as a stark reminder of the ultimate separateness of our journeys. It’s a line that merges the commonality of shared beginnings with the poignant divergence of individual paths. It’s in such lyrical simplicity that ‘Someday’ achieves its resonance, echoing long after the last chord has been struck.

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