Tagged: Drew Erickson


“Sweet” by Lana Del Rey

One simple way of describing “Sweet” is as a song whereas the vocalist goes about reasserting her value as a woman, though of course in Lana Del Rey style. This is against the backdrop of her addressing...


Lana Del Rey’s “Fingertips” Lyrics Meaning

“Fingertips” is one of the 16 tracks found on the standard playlist of “Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd”, the Lana Del Rey album which officially hit the marketplace on 24 March...


Lana Del Rey’s “Arcadia” Lyrics Meaning

This is, at least in part, a go-west song – a category which it seems we haven’t come across in a while. That is to say that “Arcadia” reads like one of those pieces that idealizes...