Category: Cordae

Broke As Fuck – Unpacking The Triumph Over Struggle

Cordae’s ‘Broke As Fuck’ is not just a track; it’s an autobiography set to a beat. Through his vivid storytelling and raw delivery, Cordae navigates the tumultuous journey from financial despair to prosperity. With each verse, listeners are invited into the intimate corners of his past and the relentless ambition that propelled him forward.

Have Mercy – Exploring the Depths of Redemption & Hustle

Cordae’s lyrical labyrinth in ‘Have Mercy’ conveys far beyond a surface-level glance would suggest. With a multi-laminated structure, the song artfully layers the raw energy of aspiration atop spiritual salvation, creating a blueprint that taps into the zeitgeist of the hustle culture intertwined with a tussle for virtue.

Super – Unpacking the Layers of Success and Authenticity

In an era where the ethos of hip-hop teeters between the glorification of material wealth and the pursuit of genuine artistry, Cordae’s ‘Super’ strikes a chord that resonates with authenticity and self-realization. The track is a testament to Cordae’s journey, not just as an artist but as an individual carving out a space where integrity and success are not mutually exclusive.