Category: Freeze Corleone


Meaning of “Shavkat” by Freeze Corleone

In the song “Shavkat,” Freeze Corleone uses heavy braggadocio to paint a picture of his lifestyle and ambitions. He refers to flashy cars with “J’arrive Japonais comme des RAV4,” likening himself to a Japanese...

Isshin Ashina

Meaning of “Isshin Ashina” by Freeze Corleone

In the lyrics of “Isshin Ashina”, Freeze Corleone utilizes braggadocio to emphasize his success and his ambitions. Corleone uses a plethora of references to luxury brands such as Audemars and Moncler, and sporting references...


Meaning of “MW2” by Freeze Corleone

In this set of lyrics from Freeze Corleone’”MW2″, we see an introspection into his mindset and experiences as well as a critical perspective on society and media portrayal. The intro mentions debates surrounding the...