“Creeps” by Koe Wetzel

The title of this song (“Creeps”), as presented in the chorus, is part of a larger metaphor where the addressee is said to ‘give’ the vocalist “the creeps”. Usually when a person says that something or someone ‘gives them the creeps’, that means said object or individual imbues them with a sense of like skin-crawling revulsion. But that doesn’t necessarily appear to be the case in this tale.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Koe Wetzel's Creeps at Lyrics.org.

Or rather, let’s say that yes, the singer does seem to be afraid – for lack of a better word – of the addressee. But it isn’t that type of fear that is encouraging him to avoid her. Instead, he is intimidated by her in more of an amorous/emotional sense, as in being unable to defend herself against her allure. For as presented, she is “stunning and gorgeous”. But as for her internal qualities, it is implied that she’s far from the kindest, most faithful or truthful person you’re likely to come across. Or put more simply, she’s akin to a toxic lover.

And just as, in a way, the titular metaphor is used out of context, so too are the lyrics of this song difficult to comprehensively make sense of on an intricate level. But what it reads like, most fundamentally interpreted, is that Koe recognizes that the addressee is someone he shouldn’t be messing with, especially on a romantic tip. But since she is so attractive to him, it’s like carnal side of his nature is prevailing in this relationship.

Lyrics to Koe Wetzel's "Creeps"

Koe Wetzel

Koe Wetzel, the son of a country music singer himself, decided to take up the same profession and by the looks of things has been musically active pretty much all of his life. As of the release of “Creeps” (which is part of his project titled “Hell Paso”), he has managed to put out four studio albums with the third of them, “Harold Saul High” (2019), scoring within the top 20 of the Billboard 200.

When was “Creeps” Released?

Wetzel released this as a single on 26 August 2022. He had actually began began teasing this song about a month before it was released.


“Creeps” was produced by Taylor Kimball and written by Wetzel alongside Evan Mckeever and Andrew Baylis.

The music video to this track, which has been described as “post-apocalyptic” and “suicidal”, was directed by Patrick Tohill.


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