Ghuleh / Zombie Queen by Ghost Lyrics Meaning – Unearthing the Mystique of the Undead Monarch

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Ghost's Ghuleh / Zombie Queen at
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


A scent that cursed be
Under cold dark dust
From the darkness
Rise a succubus
From the earthen rust

Haresis Dea
Once a majesty
Now exposing bone
From the darkness
Rise a succubus
And usurp the throne

The moon is full and shines
An evil blinding light
Under a monolith, her likeness
Marble white

Zombie Queen
Zombie Queen
Black light guides you
Ghuleh Ghuleh

Zombie Queen
Zombie Queen
Black light guides you
Ghuleh Ghuleh

Up from the stinking dirt she rises
Ghastly pale
Shape-shifting soon but now she’s rigid
Stiff and stale

Zombie Queen
Zombie Queen
Black light guides you
Ghuleh Ghuleh

Zombie Queen
Zombie Queen
Black light guides you
Ghuleh Ghuleh

Zombie Queen
Zombie Queen
Black light guides you
Ghuleh Ghuleh

Full Lyrics

In the pantheon of rock’s most enigmatic acts, Ghost stands shrouded in mystery, marrying heavy metal’s darkness with an infectious theatricality. The Swedish band’s Ghuleh / Zombie Queen, off their 2013 opus ‘Infestissumam’, is no exception, casting a chilling, hypnotic spell upon its listeners. The song’s ambience weaves a shadowy narrative of a fallen female figure rising from the ashes—or, more aptly, from the dust of death—to claim a sinister form of sovereignty.

While Ghost’s work often delves into the occult and the macabre, Ghuleh / Zombie Queen offers more than just gothic imagery. This sepulchral hymn, with its evocative poetry and haunting melody, taps into a deeper current of existential dread and transcendence that epitomizes the band’s allure. Without further ado, let’s resurrect the arcane meanings buried within this morbid masterpiece.

Rust to Royalty: The Transformation from Life to Death and Beyond

Ghuleh / Zombie Queen is a paradoxical narrative that juxtaposes decay with rebirth, presenting a figure who rises triumphant from putrefaction. This is not just a story of the undead but a metaphor for transformation and change—a death of the old self giving way to an unexpected form of majesty.

The term ‘Zombie Queen’ captures the elegance and power of this figure, while ‘Ghuleh’ echoes with ghostly Arabic folklore, where ‘ghuls’ lurk in cemeteries, feasting upon the dead. Through this duality, Ghost encapsulates a universal theme of resurrection and the cyclical nature of existence.

A Dance in Monolithic Light: The Beauty in Horror

Ghost’s lyrical prose conjures visions of gothic horrors under an ‘evil blinding light,’ where the central figure’s marble-white likeness stands stark against the darkness—a monument both to death and to its overcoming. The contrast imbues an eerie splendor to the undead, as if even in their damnation, there is a strange form of grandeur.

By describing ‘her likeness’ as a monolith, Ghost alludes to ancient and enduring myths, much like the song itself creates its towering legend. Horror becomes a canvas for beauty, and the grotesque a form of sublime art.

Usurping Thrones: The Power Dynamics of the Afterlife

Beneath the decay and the rising, there’s a tale of power and conquest—’And usurp the throne’ signifies taking control against the odds and defying a predetermined order. Ghost taps into our fear of the unknown and the fascinating allure of forbidden powers that challenge the status quo, be they in the realms of the living or the dead.

Ghost’s Ghuleh / Zombie Queen isn’t merely about domination; it encapsulates the rebellion of nature against mortality’s constraints, echoing the human desire to break free from the limitations of their mortal coil.

The Luminous Guide: Black Light as a Beacon in the Dark

In the phrase ‘Black light guides you,’ there’s an oxymoron that cuts to the heart of the track. Black light, by definition invisible, becomes a guiding force for the Zombie Queen, indicating a guidance that comes not from celestial purity but from the shadowy depths.

This black light is a call to the darker aspects of the human psyche, a beacon in the void that lights the path to understanding our deepest fears and the acceptance of our shadows. The song suggests that enlightenment and transformation can also be found in the absence of light, in the dark rituals and the return to dust.

Eternal Refrain: Memorable Lines that Bind Us to the Beyond

The haunting repetition of the lines ‘Zombie Queen’ and ‘Ghuleh Ghuleh’, punctuated by the omnipresent black light, creates a mantra-like quality that lures listeners into a trance. It forges a connection between them and the ethereal subject of the song, bridging the gap between the living and the spectral.

This repetition also serves to imprint the image of the Zombie Queen into the collective conscious, a siren’s call embodying what endures beyond death. With every chant, the listener becomes more entrapped in Ghost’s evocative realm, surrendering to the song’s lingering spell.

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