Meaning of “Soul Glo” by B.o.B.

This song is somewhat similar to a track Kanye dropped in 2019 called “Water”.  In this track, the listener is being advised to “let it shine”, as in bringing some internal attribute to the forefront, i.e. their “soul(s)”.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for B.O.B.'s Soul Glo at

The first verse seems to focus on realities which B.o.B. deems prevent people from “let(ting) it shine”. For instance, he identifies “programs from the (housing) projects”, where masses of poor (particularly Black) people live, as “a project stop your progress”. He also feels that materialism is being pushed on the masses in order to keep them from using their “third eye”, as in thinking deeply. But as for him personally, he meditates in order to stay more grounded in reality.

In the second verse, he seems to do something tantamount to necromancy as he “invoke(s) the dead homies on the other side” and espouses a belief that “no one really dies”. Later he speaks out against some type of mental addiction associated with chemicals which may be an allusion to drug abuse or perhaps, as insinuated in the first verse, being blinded by “fancy objects”, etc.

He concludes the track by telling “all my ladies” and anyone who “feel(s) it in your soul” to “make it clap”, thus presenting “Soul Glo” as a type of spiritually-based, celebratory song, again reminiscent of Kanye West’s “Water”. However, there does not appear to be any type of overt religious influence on this track. Rather it is based on B.o.B.’s own philosophies and encouragements for the listener to let the soul within them glow (shine).

Lyrics of "Soul Glo"

Facts about “Soul Glo”

  • This track was officially released on 23 April 2019.
  • The title “Soul Glo” was actually derived from the popular 1988 comedy Coming to America, in which it is a product people use to get really-shiny Jheri curls. In fact the music video for “Soul Glo” was also inspired by “Coming to America”.
  • Additionally the phrase “let it shine”, which is repeated throughout the hook, also came from that movie, as it was part of the fictional television advertisement for Soul Glo.

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