Tagged: John Lennon

Help by Tina Turner

“Help!” by Tina Turner

As noted in the trivia section, this song dates back to the mid-1960s. And we can say that during that era, lyrics were a bit more-straightforward than modern pop music. As such, in this case the...

When I'm Sixty-Four by The Beatles

“When I’m Sixty-Four” by The Beatles

“When I’m Sixty-Four” is a naïve love song in which the singer goes about questioning his lover’s commitment to him in a comical sort of way. And he does so by projecting the two of them...

She's Leaving Home by The Beatles

The Beatles’ “She’s Leaving Home” Lyrics Meaning

The Beatles’ “She’s Leaving Home” has a very strange and interesting history. And perhaps the best place to start is with Paul McCartney’s initial inspiration to begin penning the track in the first place. History...

The Beatles

The Beatles’ “Eleanor Rigby” Lyrics Meaning

“Eleanor Rigby” is a certified Beatles’ classic, indeed somewhat of a cultural phenomenon in and of itself. And as such, certain information should be established from the onset. Eleanor Rigby isn’t real! First is that...