“Morrow” by 070 Shake

This song is based on a relationship 070 Shake is involved in. While the exact nature of her association with the person she is singing to is never specified, what is pretty obvious is that this is someone she is close to. Moreover it would appear that their relationship is on the edge, as Shake is basically threatening to bounce and leave her alone. She basically cannot guarantee that she will be there for her “tomorrow”.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for 070 Shake's Morrow at Lyrics.org.
Lyrics of "Morrow"

What listeners need to know about this individual is that she has an emotional dependency on 070. She appears to be suffering from paranoia and some type of inner dread. And she seems to be putting part of her psychological burden on Shake, as in putting her in a position to make decisions for her. However, Shake apparently does not approve of such actions, as she is basically stating she does not know how much longer she will be around for her to depend on in this capacity.

In the second verse, we see that Shake has been making efforts to communicate with her. She also states that they are “in business”, though this may not be literal but rather a metaphor for the value of what she has “invested” in the relationship. However, this individual is behaving in such a manner that is not conducive to effective communication.

In the bridge, Shake gives us some insight into the lifestyle and character of this person. For instance, she does not appear to have anyone to depend on for emotional support outside of Shake. She is also presented as the type who prefers to have ill will in her heart. However, this does not negate the fact that Shake appreciates this person’s association. In fact later in the song Shake seems to take the blame and the onus upon herself to make their relationship right.

Shake ultimately ends the song by stating she is just “f**king around”, as in the track is not meant to be taken seriously. However, it still weaves a tale of a relationship between her and a friend who, despite having an overbearing personality, Shake still greatly appreciates.

Quick Facts about “Morrow”

  • Six songwriters (including 070 Shake) wrote this song. Dave Hamelin, Harry Mejias, Clyde Ellison, Sean Solymar and Mike Dean are the other songwriters credited with writing “Morrow”.
  • Mejia, Ellison and Hamelin (who co-wrote the track) also produced it. Co-writers Dean and Solymar also contributed additional production to this track.
  • 070 Shake released “Morrow” on April 12, 2019.

4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Dope track

  2. Anonymous says:

    İ think this song is about death

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think you completely missed the mark, but hey, that’s why it’s called art. So maybe I am the one that missed the mark. No way to know for sure…

  4. MICHAEL MPELI says:

    THIS SONG!!!!
    i don’t know HAHA, Till i had to come all this way just to get the POINT…………
    But i know, it’s one of my LIFE TIME LEGENDARY TRACKS

    Tho i still don get the full picture :-))

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