Tagged: Dan Nigro


“Memories” by Conan Gray

“Memories” revolves around Conan Gray wanting nothing more with his ex-partner, other than the memories. The twist here is that his ex-partner seems to be hanging around him when he wants to get over...


“Strange” by Olivia Rodrigo 

“Strange” is fundamentally the same as the other Olivia Rodrigo song, “The Ones I Love“, that leaked on the same day – being two sides of the same coin, if you will. So in this case,...


Conan Gray’s “Jigsaw” Lyrics Meaning

The title of this song is meant to metaphorically allude to the idea of the vocalist currently being a “jigsaw” reflection of his true self. That is to say that he has altered so many...


“Telepath” by Conan Gray

A telepath is someone who, most simply put within the context of this song, can read other people’s minds. And in this case, said “telepath” would be the vocalist himself, and the person whose he’s exercising his...

People Watching

“People Watching” by Conan Gray

Conan Gray, who is 22 years old as of the issuance of this track, has admitted that he has never experienced true love (or even dated for that matter). However, as illustrated by the chorus, he...

Enough for You

“Enough for You” by Olivia Rodrigo

We’re now starting to take back our earlier assertion that there’s more to Olivia Rodrigo’s “Sour” than romantic teen fare. Well in fact there is – a lot more actually. But now getting deeper into the album, it...