Tagged: Mark Crew


Meaning of “Automatic” by Birdy

All lyrics of “Automatic” considered, it reads as if this song serves the purpose of Birdy letting the addressee, a romantic interest, know that she isn’t into him like that. Or another way of interpreting...

Your Arms

Meaning of “Your Arms” by Birdy

“Your Arms” is an interesting breakup song, because in the second verse especially the vocalist alludes to the addressee having been a less-than-ideal partner when the two of them were together. However, the thesis sentiment...


“Heartbreaker” by Birdy

Birdy’s “Heartbreaker”, as with the three that precede it on the playlist of “Portraits”, seemingly revolves around the vocalist being in a troubled romantic relationship with the addressee. In this particular case, Birdy presents herself as...

Call Me What You Like

“Call Me What You Like” by Lovejoy

It seems as if these days, we are coming across more songs in which the vocalist is expressing romantic dedication to a partner who, under traditional circumstances, would very much be deemed less-than-ideal.  As...