Meaning of ANTHEM PART 3 by blink-182

“ANTHEM PART 3” expresses themes of perseverance, self-awareness, and determination. The song reflects on the challenges and obstacles that one may face in life but emphasizes the importance of not giving up. Even when faced with feelings of despair, hopelessness, or failure, the song encourages pushing through and starting anew. There’s an acknowledgment of past complacency and wasted dreams, but a resolve to not let that define one’s future.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Blink-182's ANTHEM PART 3 at

The lyrics also touch on the harsh reality that the world may not always care about individual struggles, further highlighting the importance of self-belief and determination. Overall, the song is a powerful reminder to remain resilient, to challenge complacency, and to forge ahead with renewed vigor and purpose.

When was “ANTHEM PART 3” released?

This track was released on 20th October, 2023. It’s from the band’s ninth album, “One More Time…”.

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