Karate by BABYMETAL Lyrics Meaning – Unveiling the Power of Perseverance in Pop Metal

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for BABYMETAL's Karate at Lyrics.org.
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
(押忍!) 涙こぼれても
(押忍!) 立ち向かってゆこうぜ ひたすら

セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
拳をもっと 心をもっと
全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして (wow wow wow)
まだまだ セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
悲しくなって 立ち上がれなくなっても

Ah 押忍! 押忍!

セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
(押忍!) 心折られても
(押忍!) 立ち向かってゆこうぜ ひたすら

セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
拳をもっと 心をもっと
全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして (wow wow wow)
まだまだ セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
悲しくなって 立ち上がれなくなっても

(wow wow wow)
(wow wow wow)

セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ (wow wow wow)
全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして (wow wow wow)
セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ (wow wow wow)
全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして (wow wow wow)

ひたすらセイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
拳をもっと 心をもっと
全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして (wow wow wow)

まだまだ セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
悲しくなって 立ち上がれなくなっても
セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ (wow wow wow)
全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして

(Wow wow wow)
(Wow wow wow)
(Wow wow wow)
(Wow wow wow)

Full Lyrics

At first glance (or listen), BABYMETAL’s ‘Karate’ might simply come across as an electrifying track that merges J-Pop sensibilities with searing heavy metal riffs. However, a deeper dive into the song’s spirited chants and thunderous beats reveals a message of resilience, empowerment, and the ancient art form of karate as a metaphor for life’s battles.

BABYMETAL, known for their extraordinary ability to blend contrasting genres, offers more than just an anthemic tune with ‘Karate’. The track is a powerful ode to facing adversity head-on, and pushing through pain and hardships with courage. Through their infectious energy and poignant lyrics, BABYMETAL invites listeners to dig into the significance of each word, each shout, and each punch.

Channeling Ancient Wisdom Through Modern Beats

The song ‘Karate’ is infused with the warrior spirit deeply connected to the martial art it references. BABYMETAL employs traditional karate shouts, ‘Seiya!’ and ‘Soiya!’, conveying a sense of strength and determination inherently linked to the discipline. These are not empty cries; they are the rallying calls of martial artists preparing for combat, serving as a reminder that the music is rooted in centuries of practice.

The heavy guitar work and digital elements tie this ancient practice back to the present. It’s a synergy of the old and the new, creating a soundscape where historical technique gives rise to a modern-day anthem for the battlegrounds we face, whether they are personal, professional, or existential.

The Heart’s Armor: Understanding the Metaphors

Lyrically, the song’s message transcends the physical domain of karate and delves into the mental and emotional realms. Phrases such as ‘stand up’ and ‘fight’ are not just about the physical act, but rather about the posture one assumes in challenging situations. This is about the karate of the spirit, where the heart and mind work together to overcome adversity.

The verses ‘Even if tears spill out, face it head-on tirelessly’ and ‘Even if your heart is broken, face it head-on tirelessly’ speak of enduring emotional pain yet choosing to stand tall. BABYMETAL vividly illustrates how karate’s philosophy is applicable to the bruises life hands us, compelling us to persist.

Evolving Beyond the Cry: The Call to Action

As the song progresses, the chant evolves from a simple exclamation to a call that pushes boundaries further—’sharpen everything, more and more’. The repetition of this incitement serves not just as encouragement, but as a prescription for growth. To sharpen one’s fists and heart is to refine one’s resolve and spirit to an unbreakable point.

The notion is clear: don’t just face your challenges; prepare for them relentlessly. Acquire the skills, the emotional intelligence, and the fortitude to not just survive the battle, but to emerge triumphant. This part of the song could be BABYMETAL’s recipe for forging one’s path in the world with tenacity and unwavering purpose.

A Lesson in Resilience: The Song’s Hidden Meaning

While ‘Karate’ inspires with its high-energy sound, there is a quiet, insistent whisper within its lyrics that speaks to the soul’s invincibility. BABYMETAL doesn’t just invite us to fight; they guide us to see the silent strength within that emerges when we’re truly tested. ‘Keep on fighting’ isn’t just an anthem—it’s their testament to the human spirit’s ability to endure.

‘Even if it’s sad, keep on fighting’ is a recognition of the inevitability of sorrow and difficulty, yet it is immediately followed by the sheer will to continue—’run’. It’s this juxtaposition that defines the song’s depth and the band’s artistic vision: acknowledging vulnerability while also championing the power to move beyond it.

‘Seiya Soiya’: The Anthem’s Most Memorable Lines

The recurring ‘Seiya Soiya’ chants are more than catchy hooks; they’re a linguistic bridge that connects BABYMETAL’s audiences worldwide. They transform the song into a universal experience, as listeners from all backgrounds can echo these words, finding solidarity in their shared human experiences.

These lines don’t demand understanding of a particular language as their energy and intent are internationally understood. It’s an expression that crosses cultural barriers, uniting everyone in the name of overcoming adversity, and turning ‘Karate’ into not just a track, but a global battle cry.

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