“Back Door” by Stray Kids

‘Back Door’ is a celebratory song that offers a treat for fans of K-Pop and Stray Kids. It takes after their previous piece ‘God’s Menu.’ In similar fashion, the music and lyrics express a festival-like theme. They are meant to help people enjoy the beats and tune on offer. The title ‘Back Door’ refers to the act of sneaking into a forbidden place. Only VIPs and special pass holders are privy to the fun that takes place in this space.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Stray Kids's Back Door at Lyrics.org.

The band are suggesting that the party is open to fans and casual listeners alike. This is meant metaphorically. All of us are invited to their siesta of fun. We are encouraged to listen to the wonderful melodies that are part of their body of work. ‘Back Door’ is both a statement of intent as well as a show of their talents. It does both brilliantly in typical Stray Kids fashion.  

‘Back Door’ was released by Stray Kids on September 14, 2020. It is a product of their IN生 project.

29 Responses

  1. Sofia says:

    Is this song about seggs

  2. Grace says:

    Ya if you look up the English lyrics it literally says you want this body

    • Anonymous says:

      No, it doesn’t and this song is not meant to be inappropriate. Just because American songs are like that doesn’t mean that this song is. And Stray Kids have actually said that this song is meant to welcome new STAY members. So stop ruining this song for everyone and take a moment and chill.

      • Boop says:

        It really isn’t ruining the song for anyone. Music can be interpreted differently and can give of different feelings or vibes for different individuals. For me, I annoyed my cousin by pointing out bits that sounded dirty. But I am aware of the meaning. Some people might hear it differently or get a different meaning from it.

        Like Night Swim by Sidi, the lyrics sound incredibly inappropriate and the song could be seen as smexual, but it doesn’t have to be smexual, it can be sensual which is a whole different feeling when listening to it.

        (I do not know why I replied…it served no purpose other than me being bored, but hello, I hope you have a good day/night)

    • Anonymous says:

      It is not about s**. It is about welcoming the new stay’s

  3. Anonymous says:

    the song is about letting new stays welcome 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:

    You guys are fooling yourself if you think this isn’t about s**, wake up strays!

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      When I saw the English translation of this song, I was very surprised by what I saw! This song is dripping in innuendo, and it’s not even subtle😳! It’s hard for me to imagine that it’s just a coincidence that when translated to English, every single line of this song equates to an*l seggs, and the pleasures and pain of it. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but when I saw that they’re singing about taking the “back door” and how painful and tight it is, I mean come on! I just isolated a couple of references for you, but dude, don’t fool yourself, the innuendo is in EVERY LINE! Don’t be so naive, it’s pretty freaking obvious what this song is really about, unless of course, you can only understand Korean, and maybe the Korean language doesn’t use the same types of innuendo and euphemisms as English does. That being said, I still enjoy listening to this song and still watch the music video on Youtube, but with the subtitles turned off of course, and I don’t recommend it to my friends, because I don’t any want flack for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      girl learn how to write STAY OK?

    • Anonymous says:

      Stray kids songs and MVs tend to be very open-ended, so it can be interpreted in multiple ways, so it can be about either depending on how you look at it. For me, I believe that it is about welcoming new stays, but the lyrics are hard to ignore. Even in the Japanese version, Han’s voice can be heard in the background of his first verse saying ‘oh that hurts’

  5. S says:

    Its not about seggs damn it yall should already know translations dont always make sense. Have yall ever seen google translate understand implication and wordplay. Its a welcoming song. Gosh. Im korean btw. And the song isnt inappropriate.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I don’t want to be that persone but… since someone mentioned it I can’t help but thinking this song is about b*tt s*x I’m so sorry I swear…

  7. Anonymous says:

    As a Non korean i see a wordplay in every line. For me, its about s*x… i think everyone has their view on it. For me its (at least the english translation) just like this. And its totally ok, i mean we dont cheer for guys who write children songs.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Honestly,this song could very well both be an invitation for stays to join they’re party, but it could just as well be about s**. The lines indicate both things in english.

  9. Anonymous says:

    This song is very clearly about a–l sex. Nothing inappropriate or dirty about that. But it can’t be explicit so that it will make it to the radio and so that kids can still listen to it without fully understanding. It’s obvious what its about to grown ups.

  10. I. says:

    Não é apenas a música.
    Percebam os elementos cênicos, dos figurinos, da iluminação…
    Água espirrando de baixo para cima (como se fosse uma ej@c*laçã0), grande número de pessoas vestidas de branco e com capuz sobre as cabeças como se fossem e$p3rm@t0zód3$…
    “Esse noite eu lati”…
    Wake up, people!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, I just think it’s a song about welcoming new Stays. Wherever y’all got it being about seggs from, don’t include me in it. Bye bye and goodnight! 😀

  12. Anonymous says:

    The special thing about music is that there can be different meanings to a song. It can be about se* and it can also be about welcoming stays. It’s just the way you interpret it.

  13. andy says:

    omg stop making it so shreggsual! you guys are not normal istg 🙁

  14. Anonymous says:

    Y’all stop that, it’s not about seggs, are y’all that dirty minded, or you just really lack of it. You were literally replying on a site that explained the meaning, it’s not inappropriate, the song is very cheerful and if y’all are going to take what Google Translate said seriously, then stop. It’s not about an*l seggs.

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