L’altra dimensione by Måneskin Lyrics Meaning – Unveiling a Journey of Escapism and Vivid Colors

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Måneskin's L'altra dimensione at Lyrics.org.
Article Contents:
  1. Music Video
  2. Lyrics
  3. Song Meaning


E adesso giuro faccio le valigie
E scappo via in un’altra dimensione
Son stanco delle vostre facce grigie
Voglio un mondo rosa pieno di colore
Voi comprate amore con le carte Visa
Con le facce intrise sì, ma di sudore
E adesso giuro faccio le valigie
E scappo via dalla dolce Marlena

Marlena, sì, portami a ballare
Stasera Marlena, Marlena
Sì, portami a ballare stasera Marlena
Marlena, sì, portami a ballare
Stasera Marlena, Marlena
Sì, portami a bailar

Amico mio devi essere felice
Perché il nuovo mondo sta per arrivare
E non c’è taglio, non c’è cicatrice
Che questa passione non possa curare
Io, io dalla polvere come Fenice
Son risorto ed ho imparato anche a volare
Soltanto perché ho fatto le valigie
Ed ho baciato la dolce Marlena

Marlena, sì, portami a ballare
Stasera Marlena, Marlena
Sì, portami a ballare stasera Marlena
Marlena, sì, portami a ballare
Stasera Marlena, Marlena
Sì, portami a bailar

Il ballo della vida
Il ballo della vida
Il ballo della vida
Il ballo della vida
Il ballo di Marlena

Marlena, sì, vienimi a parlare, ti prego Marlena
Marlena io ti starò ad ascoltare
Ti prego Marlena
Marlena insegnami a lottare
Ti prego Marlena
Marlena sì, portami a bailar

Il ballo della vida
Il ballo della vida
Il ballo della vida
Il ballo della vida

Full Lyrics

Måneskin’s ‘L’altra dimensione’ is not just a song; it’s a vivid narrative that captures the essence of escapism and the desire for a reality soaked in color and passion. The Italian rock sensation, renowned for their dynamic fusion of glam rock, punk and modern pop, transcends traditional genre boundaries to deliver a powerful message through their enthralling lyrics.

Combining evocative imagery with an infectious rhythm, ‘L’altra dimensione’ invites the listener to explore the multifaceted layers of its meaning. The song is an anthem for the disillusioned, those yearning to break free from monotony and seek refuge in a world unrestrained by the drab shades of the everyday.

Escape to Euphoria: ‘L’altra dimensione’ as the Modern-Day Exodus

The opening lines of the song are a declaration of intent, as the protagonist vows to pack up and flee to ‘another dimension’. This powerful imagery is an unmistakable call for liberation from the mundane, a recurring theme in Måneskin’s work that resonates deeply with a generation seeking an escape from the societal pressures symbolized by ‘gray faces’.

The song doesn’t just dwell on imagery but actively encourages action. The decision to flee, to embrace a ‘rose-colored’ world of vibrancy and affection, is portrayed not as a mere fantasy, but a necessary step toward personal fulfillment and joy. It’s a call to arms for those who feel shackled by the monochromatic reality imposed by contemporary life.

Dance Away the Blues: The Role of Marlena in the Quest for Joy

Marlena emerges as a mystical figure, a muse of sorts who guides the protagonist towards the celebration of life through dance. The repetition of ‘portami a ballare’ (take me dancing) insists on the vital role of music and movement in transcending reality, with Marlena being the key to entering this new world of bliss.

Marlena’s identity is ambiguous; she could be a person, a metaphor, or an embodiment of music itself. Her significance lies not just in her role as a savior, guiding the protagonist to ‘bailar’ (to dance), but also as a representation of passion and sensuality that are missing from everyday exchanges steriled by transactional relationships, as hinted by the mention of Visa cards in the lyrics.

A Toast to Resilience: Rising from Ashes like a Phoenix

Deep within the song’s buoyant rhythm lies a profound testament to human resilience. The protagonist’s transformation is akin to that of a phoenix, symbolically rising from the dust, reincarnated as a figure now capable of flight—of freedom from prior constraints.

This evokes an image of rebirth through music and, by extension, an alchemical change within the self. The scars of the past, both literal and emotional, are not just healed but also become conduits of strength. The phoenix metaphor deeply intertwines with the overall theme of the song, asserting that even the deepest wounds can be healed through the purifying fire of passion and music.

Unearthing the Song’s Hidden Meaning: ‘Il Ballo della Vida’

The recurrent phrase ‘Il ballo della vida’ translates to ‘the dance of life’, emphasizing life as a dance—one that is continual and everchanging. This simple yet profound phrase encapsulates the song’s quintessential message: life is an eternal movement where joy and sorrow intermingle, and acceptance of this movement is pivotal.

The dance becomes a metaphor for life’s ebb and flow, a critical reminder that in the act of dancing, in the embrace of the music’s rhythm, one can find the purest expression of living. Herein lies the hidden meaning of ‘L’altra dimensione’, a cryptic ode to the beauty of existence in its most raw and unfiltered form.

Illuminating the Path: Memorable Lines and Their Driving Force

Among the song’s most poignant expressions is the plea ‘Marlena, insegnami a lottare’ (Marlena, teach me to fight). This line not only speaks to the need for guidance in the face of life’s challenges but also highlights the importance of mentorship and learning from one’s experiences, often hard-won through struggle.

Another captivating line, ‘Non c’è taglio, non c’è cicatrice’ (There is no cut, no scar), contrasts starkly with the earlier mentioned healing power of passion, suggesting that in the dimension the song’s protagonist seeks, pain could be obsolete. Such lines draw the listener in, urging them to delve deeper into the song’s rich tapestry of meaning, and to find solace in the notion that liberation from anguish is conceivable through the transcendental power of music.

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