Tagged: Ruel

Too Many Feelings

“Too Many Feelings” by Ruel

You can’t help but to feel sorry for the singer (Ruel) after going through the heartfelt narrative featuring within this “Too Many Feelings”. He finds himself fighting a losing battle in the name of reclaiming...

Hard Sometimes

“Hard Sometimes” by Ruel

The sentiments expressed Ruel’s “Hard Sometimes” are premised on the emotional discomfort the singer feels due to being away from home for a long period of time. They are very-personal in relation to what Ruel has actually...

Face to Face

“Face to Face” by Ruel

“Face to Face” is a song where singer Ruel is suffering from unrequited love but with a strange twist.  You see, he never actually met the woman he is infatuated with. Instead the addressee is...


“Painkiller” by Ruel

In “Painkiller”, singer Ruel is apparently referring to his woman as his “painkiller”.  This is his way of saying he finds relief via her company in a hostile world or more specifically when his...