Category: Bryan Adams

Never Gonna Rain

“Never Gonna Rain” by Bryan Adams 

In this song (as with many others), “rain” is meant to symbolize, most simply put, depression.  Meanwhile, the thesis sentiment revolves around the vocalist resolving that he’s going to live his life “like it’s...

Inside Out by Bryan Adams

“Inside Out” by Bryan Adams

By this stage in his career, Bryan Adams had already come out with enough hit love songs to know how to put a spin on the well-worn man-loves-woman theme. So yes, he is in fact...

18 til I Die by Bryan Adams

“18 Til I Die” by Bryan Adams

The singer’s disposition in “18 til I Die” is exactly as its title implies. That is to say Bryan Adams has committed himself to possessing a youthful disposition, forever. Within the context of the lyrics,...

Please Forgive Me by Bryan Adams

“Please Forgive Me” by Bryan Adams

This is a song with a twist. Yes, coming from Bryan Adams it is, as expected, a love song.  As such, as the title suggests he is imploring his significant other to forgive him. However, this...

Cloud Number Nine by Bryan Adams

“Cloud Number Nine” by Bryan Adams

On this song, the phrase Cloud Number Nine basically serves as a metaphor for romance.  And it is that allegorical location that the singer wants to take the addressee to. There is a back story permeating...

Run to You by Bryan Adams

“Run to You” by Bryan Adams

While Bryan Adams may be the master of the quintessential late-20th century hit love songs, on this particular track he takes a different approach. For who he is actually singing about ‘running to’ is his mistress, i.e....