Category: Joji

Glimpse of Us

“Glimpse of Us” by Joji

Joji’s “Glimpse of Us” is a unique song, not in terms of its thesis sentiment but rather how the vocalist builds its narrative up towards that conclusion. As far as the thesis sentiment goes,...

Modus by Joji

“Modus” by Joji

On “Modus”, Joji is criticizing the way he is being treated by his employers, so to speak.  More macrocosmically, he is commenting on the way the music industry treats popular artists. And what he is basically...

Like You Do by Joji

“Like You Do” by Joji

The lyrical composition of Joji’s “Like You Do” is a bit more-complex than it may initially appear. But in terms of the title, the singer is letting the addressee, his romantic interest, know that she...

Ew by Joji

“Ew” by Joji

Although “Ew” is said to be based on Joji’s past relationships, the lyrics read as if he is only addressing one person. But verily, said individual would be his ex-girlfriend. And symbolically the wording points to the...


“Gimme Love” by Joji

As you’ve probably already deduced, in “Gimme Love” Joji is addressing a romantic interest. And indeed he is demanding that she ‘give him love’. More to the point, receiving such from her is very important to...

Pretty Boy

“Pretty Boy” by Joji

Based on the lyrical snippet that has been released on this song, it would appear that Joji is celebrating the city life. Indeed the singer is known to be a resident of Brooklyn, with NYC...


Joji – Run

On “Run”, Joji is directly addressing a former romantic interest. And the simplest way to explain his disposition is that he believes they both still have feelings for each other. In fact these emotions...


“Breathe” by 88rising, Joji & Don Krez

Honestly the lyrics of “Breathe” are not the most decipherable in terms of interpreting the feelings contained therein. But apparently, the singer is someone whom we can describe as a toxic partner. That is to say...


“XNXX” by Joji

“XNXX” is a heartbreak song from Joji. The relationship he is singing about apparently ended some time ago. We can deduce this based on him making statements like it is “hard to think about you...