Category: Sam Smith

Kids Again by Sam Smith

“Kids Again” by Sam Smith

Here, Sam Smith appears to be singing about his ex, Jonathan Zeizel, who was the first person he dated after they both publicly admitted their sexuality. The singer addresses their broken relationship in this...

Forgive Myself by Sam Smith

“Forgive Myself” by Sam Smith

As the title of this track depicts, the singer realizes that he may have inflicted more pain than is necessary on himself, hence his attempt to first forgive himself before opening up to love...

Young by Sam Smith

“Young” by Sam Smith

This track particularly delves into the wish of several youth, to be allowed to live wildly without restriction, judgement or inhibition. As the song begins, Sam Smith clearly makes his wish obvious; he wants...

Lay Me Down by Sam Smith

“Lay Me Down” by Sam Smith

“Lay Me Down” is a bonafide ballad which focuses on the narrator’s desire to be reunited with a lover who has either passed away or has been separated by distance. The narrator is consumed...

To Die For

Sam Smith’s “To Die For” Lyrics Meaning

This song is actually centered on the loneliness of the singer, specifically from a romantic perspective. For instance, in the chorus it is revealed that when he sees couples enjoying themselves together he becomes filled...

How Do You Sleep?

“How Do You Sleep?” by Sam Smith

Sam Smith’s “How Do You Sleep?” represents the tipping point in a romantic relationship where the singer is on the verge of calling it quits. This is due to him being in love with someone...